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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 18

18. A Memory


I looked at my phone. The message was crystal clear, but even then, I had to fucking read it a few times.

‘I‘m going to be leaving. With Marcel here, I don‘t think it‘s smart for me to linger. Arrange me a car, or at least let your security know to let me out.‘ She was leaving Just how I fucking wanted... There was no relief, nor fucking excitement at the fact that she was.

Yeah, because once she‘s gone, Marcel will have a shit–ton of questions for me to answer. Why didn‘t I fix stuff with her ‘mate‘, and then Corrado would do my fucking head in about why I let her go.

Stop fucking with yourself Leo, you know that isn‘t the reason. 2 I lit a cigarette, taking a drag on it as I stared at the phone, letting out a string of smoke slowly. But it was for the better that she left. Her being here was fucking with me. I texted her back that I‘d come to get her, but she asked for an hour in return.

Fine. I tossed the phone onto the desk and placed my feet on it, resting back in my chair. Was it really Marcel that was pushing her to leave, or was it because of the kiss between Nikki and me? She hadn‘t reacted. Did I want a reaction? Yeah I fucking did, and she didn‘t seem to care, or so I fucking thought until she fucking stabbed me.

She had gotten pissed, and I was sure the kiss had been the fucking trigger. 3

Azura Rayne Westwood... (Flashback – Just Over a Decade Ago)

I walked into the garden of Alejandro Rossi‘s mansion, not wanting to see Rayhan the bastard again. I was damn bored, I wanted to get to the battle, see exactly how strong I was. A chance to unleash it all and not have to fucking hold


These lot took so fucking long to say goodbye.

Alejandro‘s twins were out here playing with the Westwood pup.

“I got the ball, Sky! You are slow!” She teased, sticking her tongue out. Skyla frowned as she ran over, knocking the ball from her hand.

“Not that slow.”

Crazy kids. I glanced over at Kataleya, who was standing there lost in thought. I knew what she had been through, I fucking hated it when people did shit like that to kids. I scanned the area, making sure we were alone, before I walked over and crouched down by her side.

“You know, if you keep on making that face, your lips are going to forever stay fucking down. You might end up looking like your dad, and that‘s not a pretty look.” I teased, lightly prodding the corner of her lips. 4

She blinked, coming out of her reverie, and forced a smile as she nodded. “I‘m ok.” She said quickly, almost as if it was a automatic mechanism.

I‘m ok. Something I always said to Dad when I was child... The times when he was himself and he worried...

I‘m fine, I‘m ok, I‘m great... Lies to keep him from feeling burdened. “It‘s alright not to be ok all the fucking time, you know?” I said quietly, like the fucking hypocrite I was. ! I never took my own fucking advice, always acting like fuck all bothered me. “Oi, boy!”

I turned to see the Westwood pup standing behind me with her hands on her hips. She was a cute kid with big blue eyes, but I swear she gave me a vibe that told me she was not to be trusted.


She leaned closer and shielded her mouth with her hand, as if not wanting anyone to hear.

“I can see your smelly knickers.” She whispered loudly, making Skyla laugh

manically. I raised an eyebrow. What the fuck were these kids fucking bred on? “First of all, they ain‘t knickers. Second, what the actual fuck?” I said, standing up and glaring at the pup. She simply shrugged.

“Well I was only trying to help you.” She retorted, about to pick up the ball when I grabbed it and walked over to the steps, spinning it on a finger. “Give our ball


“Ask nicely.”

“Give it back, knicker boy!” 1

“I ain‘t fucking giving it back now.” I growled, tossing the ball lightly against her forehead. 1

I saw Liam step out into the garden, ready to intervene as I caught the ball with ease.

“That didn‘t hurt, try again.” She challenged, catching the ball and tossing it back at me.

Did she mean it, or was it a threat? 2

I resisted a smirk, bouncing the ball off her forehead again as lightly as I could. Liam stopped a few feet away, clearly fucking worried for his sister, but to my surprise, he didn‘t intervene.


“Not now, Liam. I said – again.” “You sure pup?” “I. Said. Again.” She challenged, her chest heaving as she threw the ball back at me.

Yup, she was fucking pissed. I wonder what‘s happen if I carried on. Would she end up crying? I kept bouncing the ball lightly off her head, but it was beginning to look a little red. Was no one going to stop me? I didn‘t want to stop by myself, that would make me look like a fucking wuss.

“Azura, enough, come on, let‘s go inside.” Liam tried again. Why the fuck was he listening to a kid?

“No, I said again.” She said firmly, her large eyes glaring at me.

The little psycho. I saw Alejandro step out from inside from the corner of my eyes, as I raised my eyebrow at the determined kid in front of me. “Again.”

I frowned. “You‘re fucking weird.” I stated coldly, tossing the ball at her head


“Again.” She commanded, and this time I realised she wasn‘t even blinking. The first sign of a serial killer. 7

“This kid‘s fucking psychotic.” I remarked.

“Again.” She repeated, making me frown. Ok no, her fucking head was red, it was going to bruise if I carried on. “Nah, I‘m bored.” I said carelessly, tossing the ball to the ground and letting it roll away..

“Cut this shit out.” Alejandro growled.

She stared at me for a moment, and for a split second I felt fucking bad, she was going to cry. I hate making kids cry. We stared at one another before she quickly ran after the rolling ball.

Maybe not.

“Leo started it.” Skyla chimed in, frowning at me.

That little shit. “Yeah once, she‘s the one who told me to hit her again.” I shot back, taking my lighter from my pocket. Liam sighed. “Azura is just...” “A weirdo.” I finished helpfully, pulling out a cigarette. “I thought you weren‘t going to come here?” Alejandro asked me, crossing his arms as Azura returned with the ball. Damn she was totally ok, maybe I didn‘t need to worry. She walked off, and I shrugged as I looked at Alejandro.

My phone beeped, and I looked at the reminder that crossed the screen. 1 Fuck, had a month passed already? Slipping my phone into my pocket, I left my office, only for Nikki to jump up from the sofa. She never disturbed me when I was in my office. My rules that she obeyed, but sometimes it just let the dark thoughts consume me freely without a distraction. If it was Azura in her place, she would fucking throw out all the rules I had in place.


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