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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 19

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 19 – You’ll Never Understand


“Let him say goodbye.” Nikki said, placing her hand on Leo’s arm.

He didn’t reply, and I hated how he had an effect on me.

Why that single touch of Nikki’s squeezed my heart.

F**k Azura.

This isn’t you.


“Please don’t go yet.

How about staying for five more weeks?” Corrado pleaded, drawing my attention back to his gorgeous hazel eyes.

“I can’t, I’m sorry.” I apologised softly.

Oh, why was this kid making my heart break just like Marcel almost did?

When he loves, he loves deeply.

I pushed the memory away and smiled apologetically at the boy before me.

“Then why not six more weeks?” I let out a breathy laugh.

“You know, you’re adding days on top?” I asked, ruffling his hair.

“But I had fun, I wanted to make a police doll too…”

My heart clenched, but I could sense Leo’s anger rising and knew he was getting impatient or simply annoyed Corrado was talking to me, but I was at least glad he let him say goodbye.

Maybe the Ice Prince has a soft spot for his son at least.

“I’ll have one sent to you, ok?” “What is this?” Nikki’s voice which was full of disgust came.

I turned to see her lift the Leo doll from the bowl of water, it looked a mess with the ink having run all over the fabric.

“Oh Daddy! That’s the doll that looked like you!” Corrado exclaimed, making Leo’s eyes snap to the doll as Nikki looked at it with a look of obvious disgust “Eww, why do you have it in water? You’re so weird.” She said, dropping the doll onto the worktop.

My eyes flashed, and I did my best to remain calm as I stood up and walked over to her.
Just because I’ve been nice you don’t go around calling me weird.

I hated the

d**n word.

“It’s a voodoo doll, made to be torturėd.” I explained in an extremely sweet voice that dripped with venom before picking it up from the worktop and dunking it back into the water, not caring that water splattered over her.

She jumped back, staring at me as if I had lost my mind.

I hated how I suddenly felt upset.

I know I was different; I f*****g get it and if voodoo dolls make me happy, then I’ll make them.

I don’t need anyone to judge me.

“A voodoo doll.”:Corrado said in awe.

“Daddy, what is a voodoo doll?” I smiled, his words lifting my spirits a’little.

This is why I liked kids best, because they don’t judge you.

Leo came over, just the way he walked made my stomach flutter.


One hand in his pocket the other holding his cigarette…

His sharp blue eyes were as cold as ice but they still seemed to ignite a fire inside of me I looked away from him as he reached for the doll, and I brushed past him and grabbed my bag, “I’m ready to leave.” I declared I did not want him to examine the doll.

I’m sure he’ll realise it was meant to be him.

“Yeah let’s go.

Nikki take Corrado home.”


Their home.

“Azura, please don’t go.” Corrado whispered, running over to me as Nikki held his hand out to her.

1 “Corrado, she has to leave.

Winona take him.” He commanded icily when Winona entered.

“Yes, Alpha.” She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

“It was nice meeting you Azura.

Thank you for spending the evening with Corrado.” “It was great getting to know you too Winnie.” I replied when suddenly an idea came to me, and I hurried over to my suitcase.

Crouching down, I unzipped it and took out the rest of the swatches, wool, and stuff I had to make my dolls.

I stood up and passed them to Winona.

“If you could make a doll with Corrado?” I asked quietly.

I thought I heard Nikki mutter something, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

“But making dolls with Azura was more fun.” Corrado protested, staring at the supplies.

“I know, come on Corrado let’s go.” Winona said gently yet firmly, as she led him away.

He looked over his shoulder at me, looking disappointed, before he vanished from view, and I quickly crouched down and zipped my case back up before picking it up.

“Shall we?” I was hoping to get him alone but that wasn’t going to happen as Nikki followed me out of the room.

I walked to the lift seeing Leo and Nikki looking at each other, I stepped into the lift, placing my foot between the doors so it didn’t shut.

Nikki was frowning and Leo looked as indifferent as ever, but I could tell they were mind-linking.

Leo turned to her, his face as arrogant as s**y as ever and I don’t know what he said, but it made her look away.

“Bye.” Nikki said after a moment, glancing between Leo and myself before she walked off towards Jackie’s apartment, running her fingers through his hair.

Leo’s attention turned to me as he strode over, oozing with power, and stepped into the lift.

Once the door shut, he pressed a button and scanned his thumb.

This was my chance.

“T” “I don’t want to hear it.” He said, making me frown.

2 “I haven’t even said anything and trust me you will love to hear this.” I retorted.” By the way…


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