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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 51

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 51 – A Shared Moment of Truth AZURA. pretend that he had no effect on me when all I wanted was to be in his arms.

My entire body reacted to just his presence being near, I felt giddy, and even breathing became difficult.

The way that he had looked at me had made my core clench in desire, but Nikki’s presence had been a pretty good slap in the face.

I had thankfully been able to keep control of myself and give him the cold shoulder.

I walked into the garden, gulping in a desperately needed mouthful of air.

I needed something to drink…

Jackie excused herself, so Song and I made our way over to the drinks bar.

Both of us grabbing a non-alcoholic drink.

“So, was that her?” Song asked softly.

“Yup, that was her.” I replied, downing my drink and sighing.

“I can’t believe she’s in red.” Song murmured, trying to keep her voice down.

“Hmm, I guess it was purely coincidental.” I replied.

Song frowned.

“I don’t like her, and something tells me it really wasn’t coincidental.” 2
“Yeah, me neither.” I muttered.

Just then, I felt an intense wave of power, and turned sharply to see Leo holding Nikki’s wrist.

Even a fool could see there was nothing casual or intimate about it, Leo was exuding rage.

“I have been f***king patient with you, so before I have you thrown out of here…

get the f***k away from me.” He growled, making everyone go quiet.

My heart thundered as Nikki looked near tears.

Harsh, but she kind of deserved it…

“You’re hurting me, Leo.” Then get the f***king hint that he doesn’t want you.

Seriously, this woman…

“Then don’t f***king touch me.” Leo hissed, letting go of her.

He turned suddenly, his eyes meeting mine.

Once again, he was consuming me, those steely magnetic eyes burning into mine.

My heart pounded as he looked at me with such power, almost as if he was devouring me from where he stood.

“Leo?” Jax called him.

He looked away, and the intense connection broke.

I turned too, my heart thumping.

“What was that?” Song asked curiously.

“I’ve seen mated couples…

but that…


You two really have crazy chemistry, and that sexual ten-” She stopped when I gave her a pointed look.

I didn’t know what to say.

Even my own head didn’t feel right.

“It’s probably the hatred.” I replied, frowning slightly.

She rolled her eyes with a knowing smile.

“You are stubborn, and I think so is he…

He is, after all, a Rossi.” She mused, glancing around.

I could tell people were more tentative towards her, with her being a witch.

Some wanted to approach me, but because of her, they were not coming closer.

This pack was a lot more isolated than the rest, magic wasn’t always accepted, but I was glad no one was giving her hateful looks.

I could feel Leo’s eyes on me, but I didn’t turn back, not wanting to be caught up in him again.

“Oh wow, Azura, 1 like your lipstick.” Corrado complimented as he ran over.

He had spent the last hour watching me get ready and complimenting my dress, but I hadn’t put any lipstick on at that point.

“Thank you! Oh, we’re both wearing red, we should get a picture.” I suggested, smiling down at the gorgeous little cherub.

“Yes, we should.” He agreed, just as Marcel came over, smiling slightly.

“You ladies look beautiful.

Welcome to our pack, Song.

I hope your stay is going well.” Marcel said, offering her a handshake.

“Thanks for allowing me to stay, Alpha Marcel.

Yes, it’s going great, thanks.” Song replied, taking the offered hand.

“Any friend of Azura’s is welcome here.” He said, turning to me.

“My, you remind me of your mother right now.” I smiled, I didn’t need to ask him if he meant Mama or’Indigo.

We all know who the queen of red is.

“Thank you.

Winona really does have an eye for clothes.” I said, brushing my hand along the fabric.

I had been pleasantly surprised to find that she was the one who had purchased the clothes that Leo had gotten for me.

Despite her wearing neutrals and plain clothes, she had an eye for this stuff.

I mean, some of that lingerie was pretty s*xy.

I would never have guessed she was the one who had purchased it.

Even seeing her in that black dress that Marcel had ordered for a woman of her size and shape, it had been a dress that complimented her slender frame so beautifully In return, Song and I had made sure she wore some make-up to go with it, and right now I wondered how the hell Leo hadn’t chosen her for a girlfriend over Nikki.

Winona was gorgeous inside and out, and I could tell she was getting a lot of attention as she walked around making sure everything was in order.

She was even the perfect mother to Corrado…

2 “She does indeed.” Marcel agreed, smiling down at Corrado as he almost touched his hair, but Corrado ducked.

“Not the hair, granddad, I styled it.” He said, smoothing his fringe..

“Sorry son, my mistake.

Do forgive me.” Marcel grinned as he turned to look over towards Leo.

“Well, I think I should make a toast before we get this party on its way.”
“Thank you, Marcel, for tonight.

You really didn’t have to do this.” I said.

“It’s nothing at all.” He replied, as Corrado now observed Song.


“Who are you, miss?” He asked innocently.

So, what was he going to do? Growl at any man who comes near me? 3
I was about to say something to Song, when Eric and Jackie came over.


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