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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 52

Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 52 – Hitting a Nerve AZURA. “Yeah, I get what you mean. Before Emmet, I had a boyfriend… in fact, I never liked Emmet back then.

He just…

we just clashed.

Our mentalities were different, although both of us were friends with Leo.

That was until the bond…

and it’s so strong…

it consumes you.

And I know a bond with an Alpha is even more intense.

Anyway, when the bond snapped into place everything changed.

Me and my boyfriend broke up.

Although I knew it really affected him, it was the obvious thing to do when you find your mate, and he didn’t make it harder for me…

and soon I found myself falling for Emmet.

Then, when I was completely smitten, deeply in love, that’s when it all began…

I’m sorry I lied to you, and in front of Eric too.

I just – I just didn’t know what else to do.” She hugged herself, staring at the water in the pool.

“I’m going to reject him, I know it’s going to be hard, but I’m going to do it.

I should have done it ages ago when he first began hurting me to vent his anger….” I looked at her, my heart pounding.

I never wanted another Indigo to suffer, and seeing the strength in Jackie made me proud.

“You know…

My biological mother was a victim of abuse too, at the hands of her mate…

When I realised what Emmet did that night, I lost it.

I felt like I was seeing her in you.

Her mate ultimately led to her death.

She was said to be a feisty confident young woman, yet years of living with an abuser wore her down until she was just a shell of the woman she once was.” I said quietly.

“And seeing that situation between Emmet and me, triggered you…

I don’t blame you, and I’m grateful that you at least stood up for me…

You did the right thing…

even when I asked you not to…” She murmured, she stiffened and turned to me sharply before taking a furtive glance around.

“Are you ok?” I asked concerned.

She nodded, taking hold of my wrist.

“I just…

I think it’s time I did the same…

Break a promise for the better…

After all, you are the sister of Kiara Rossi, The Queen.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

* I frowned, looking at her, wondering what she was about to say when we heard the sound of a thud.


care!” Nikki? 3 We both stood up and looked towards the back of the garden.

What was she doing here? “That was an order, which you should have followed.” Winona’s gentle yet firm voice came.

“I don’t follow your rules.

You are just an Omega who works for Leo! Remember that, scumbag!” Nikki’s voice came, filled with irritation and disdain.

Jackie gasped, and I felt my own anger rising.

Alejandro had abolished the rank system years back, and it was obvious from Jackie’s gasp that it was something that wasn’t meant to be happening here either.

Where were they? I scanned the garden and spotted a flash of red from beside the small cabin.


“I know I’m an Omega, but Alpha Marcel gave me a job to do, and I made it clear that the dress code was anything but red, and you knew why.

Is this why you called me here?” Winona asked.

“Really?” Nikki scoffed.

It was obvious that against someone like Winona, Nikki wasn’t going to back off, and it was clear neither did Jackie as she hurried towards the sound of their talk.

“Yes.” Winona said quietly.

“I don’t really like, care.

If I want to wear red, I can.

Besides, I look better…

Leo is mine, not that sk*nk who he knocked up.”‘2 “That is our Luna!” Winona’s shocked voice came.

“Nikki!” Jackie exclaimed at the same time, just as the two women came into view.

Nikki, who was standing there with a bottle in her hand and her arms folded, gave me a dirty look “Oh, look who it is: The sk*nk herself.” She spat.

I raised an eyebrow, quickly looking Winona over.

She looked visibly upset and I didn’t miss the mark on her shoulder.

My eyes flashed dangerously.

Nail marks…

My gaze snapped back to her.

“Let’s make this clear, once and for all.” I said calmly, walking over to the shorter woman in red.

She looked back at me defiantly, and my eyes blazed silver.

“You aren’t anyone important here.” Nikki said tossing her hair.

“You saw Leo, right? I mean, no matter what I do, he still has a soft spot for me.” “Do not do this, Nikki.

Please.” Jackie pleaded as she hurried over to the distraught Winona.

“Oh yeah?” I snapped now, turning back to her, “Why can’t I? And do not f***king call me names!”
“If Leo saw your true colours.”
“B*tch please, I don’t sugarcoat sh*t for anyone.


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