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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 65

  1. 65. Building Bridges


“Are you sure you‘re going to be ok?” Song asked me.

I nodded, Mama had called earlier as well, I knew she was surprised that I was actually going to go see Atlas, but I could tell she was happy. When I told her that Leo and I had figured things out, she smiled and said; “That‘s my girl, get that man in line.”

Goddess, she was a queen. “Yeah totally, he‘s just a guy.” I said shrugging, “Ok hun, if you‘re sure.” She replied, giving me a tight hug. I glanced at Kiara when I moved back.

“You sure his mother isn‘t going to be around?” I asked, my voice sounding resentful despite not meaning to. Her eyes softened, and she nodded.

“He doesn‘t live with her anymore, and I let him know you were coming.” She smiled gently, and I nodded.

“Ok.” I said, shoving my hands into my pockets as I turned on my heels.

“Are you sure you know the way?”

“Yeah, I’ll ask someone if I can‘t find it.” I said before heading for the gates.

It was late, but I knew he had work earlier, and if Leo could face Rayhan, then I certainly should be able to face this guy... I finally got there a good hour later, after loitering around the pack, and even ping to get a bottle of wine from one of the shops.

I mean, I can‘t go empty–handed, right? I finally reached his apartment and rang the bell, taking a deep breath and hoping he didn‘t answer.

The door opened a little too fast, considering I had just rung it.

Was he waiting?

I looked up at him, he was tall, over six feet, and he had dirty blond hair and light blue eyes. He was well built, but the first thing that came to my mind was that he looked a lot like ‘him‘.

I have seen a picture of Fred, my sperm donor. Ok maybe they weren‘t that alike... but they had similarities... “Hey.” He spoke softly, almost as if he knew I was ready to run. I pressed my lips together, frowning deeply. “Hi.” I said, holding the bottle out without looking at him. I saw him smile from the corner of his eyes before he stepped aside and accepted it.

“Come on in.”

I don‘t want to.

I didn‘t want to be here...

I hesitated, before balling my fists and stepping inside.

You just spend a little time... then you turn, and you leave.

The moment I looked around I realised he wasn‘t just thinking this was a quick visit. On the coffee table in front of the corner sofa was a table laden with pasta, roast potatoes, and enchiladas. The place was clean, and a cinnamon and spice fragrance filled the air.

The door shutting behind me, made me snap out of my thoughts.

“Come on, take a seat and thank you for this.” He said, giving me a grin, as he raised the bottle. For a moment, he reminded me of Liam.

No. Liam was my brother, Atlas wasn‘t. 4

I felt a sliver of guilt, knowing he had nothing to do with his parent‘s decisions. Even Alejandro told me that he was raised without Fred even bothering to visit him at all.

“You‘re welcome.” I said walking over to the sofa and sitting down gingerly on the edge.

He placed the bottle down before opening the fridge and getting some juice cartons out. “Are these ok?” He asked, holding up a mango carton and an orange. “Yeah, totally,” I replied, looking at the oil painting on the wall of a boat sailing. He came over, placing the cartons on the table, before sitting down. The sofa dipped under his weight, but I was grateful he had left a big gap between us.

“Pasta? I did ask Luna Kiara if you were ok with it.” He said, his voice was gentle, almost as if not wanting to trigger me. He was making an effort, and I really needed to give him a chance. That‘s what I‘m here for… “So Kiara was being sneaky huh, yes it‘s fine, it all looks good, you didn‘t need to make anything. I mean I didn‘t come to eat, I‘m not hungry or anything.” Wow, nice Azura. “I mean I‘ll eat, because you made it, and went through the effort...”


Word vomit at its finest...

He laughed lightly and nodded. “She did, but I‘m grateful for it. You know I‘ve wanted to meet you for a while now... When Alpha Alejandro told me you wanted to see me... I was...I‘m grateful.” “I guess I‘m glad I‘m doing this… kinda...“I trailed off, instead just giving him a small smile, as he began plating some food for me...

Ten minutes later, we were both eating, and he made light conversation. Although I was mainly answering him, he was the one keeping the conversation going and I was finally relaxing a little.

“So you‘re mated?” He asked, motioning to my mark. I placed my hand over it for a moment, smiling slightly. “Yeah, to Leo Rossi, Alejandro‘s nephew.”

“Oh... nice.” He seemed to realise who he was. “Are you happy?”

My smile faded, and he shook his head. “Shit, sorry, I just meant he treats you well, right? It‘s just that I know what Fred was like too ... I‘m sorry.”

I guess I‘m not the only one with a blabbering issue.

He was looking down, but I could tell he was tense.

I reached over, placing a hand on his leg. “Hey... it‘s ok, you don‘t need to worry that I‘ll get offended... The hardest part was facing you, and I totally aced that...” I said lightly before smiling. He looked up and I was surprised to see the sadness in them. “I‘m sorry, on behalf of both him and my mom, for what happened to your mom... How their actions affected her.”

Yeah, talking about her did hurt, about Fred too, but it wasn‘t Atlas‘s fault.

I sat back, picking up my glass, and took a sip. “I‘m going to be honest. I hate the fact that your mom got with him when she knew he had a mate. If she didn‘t know it‘s different but she did. I don‘t know if it was a full relationship or a one–night thing, either way, I‘ll never forgive her. But, I‘m not going to hold you responsible for their actions.” I said thinking it was the right thing to do... just as Leo had done.

He looked at me, a slight frown on his forehead as he nodded.

“I agree, she didn‘t do the right thing. Thanks for giving me a chance.” 2 “Can I ask why you even want to know me? I mean, neither of us knew our sperm donor, we weren‘t raised by him... so why?” “I just wanted to have the chance to get to know you. I mean, does it matter if we weren‘t raised by him, We‘re still related by blood. You‘re still my sister, my only sibling.” I frowned slightly; I get that... Just the way I wanted this baby to get to know Corrado... to get to spend time with Leo...


–– “Ok?” He raised an eyebrow.

“I‘m ready to at least try to get to know you. Fred‘s abuse towards Indigo really affected me... But I know it‘s not your fault.... and I know it‘s going to take me time to open up... but I guess what I‘m saying is, we can try to be friends.” I shrugged, stabbing a potato and shoving the full potato into my mouth.


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