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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 66

  1. 66. Knowing the Answer


The office was tense and even Alejandro was dead serious, any sarcasm was gone as he stood there with arms crossed, watching me coldly. That was his concentrating expression.

Azura was sitting on the armrest of the chair I was in, and Kiara told me to remove my shirt i pulled it off and Azura took it from me, holding it to her chest. I could hear her heart beating violently, although she was trying not to let it get to her.

Kiara took a deep breath, a frown of concentration crossing her face as she knelt in front of me. Her eyes blazed purple, and for a split second, I was reminded of the flicker I had seen in Azura‘s eyes the other night. 1

Usually, when your wolf comes to the front, if you watch carefully, or in my case, record it and slow down the speed just to observe it, you will see the wolf‘s eye colour bleed into yours. What just happened with Kiara‘s was like a flame spreading from the bottom of the iris.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Kiara placed her hands on my shoulders. Her frown deepened as she ran her hands down my chest, my flanks, and parts of my stomach as she tried to assess the extent of the damage.

I heard her heart skip a beat, I kept my face a mask of indifference as I knew what was coming.. She would try and fail, but you know what is going to be fucking hardest? When I‘m going to have to act like it‘s fine and watch the emotion in their eyes... A coolness began spreading from her hands, and I felt it wash through me, an edge of the pain seemed to lift a little, but I knew she wasn‘t succeeding...

She didn‘t stop, her purple aura wrapping around us both to the extent that Azura was being pushed away, but she refused to let go of me, her arm firmly around my sh ters.

Kiara bit her lip, her forehead now covered with a layer of sweat as she poured everything she had into me.

“What‘s happening?” Alejandro asked, his voice dark and cold as he looked between us.

Kiara wasn‘t able to reply as she looked into my eyes. A trickle of blood ran from her nose, and her eyes were glittering with tears as I felt another strong surge of intense power rush through me.

But we both knew it was futile.

The blood wasn‘t stopping and even Azura was beginning to worry, Kiara‘s entire body was tense, her brows furrowed as she gave it her all.

She was going to fucking pass out at this rate.

“Stop!” I commanded sharply, taking hold of her arms and moving her back.

She collapsed to the floor and Alejandro was by her side in a flash, scooping her up into his arms.

Azura‘s heart was pounding, and when Kiara looked at me, I knew what her next words were

going to be. “I’m sorry, I‘m unable to heal you.” She whispered, her gaze going to Alejandro, who looked shocked.

There it was – the concern, worry, and sadness as he looked at me, but I knew as long as I didn‘t look at Azura l‘ll be ok...

Her arms tightened around my neck, and trickles of her thoughts and emotions seeped into my mind

Her worry and pain.

Her fear of losing me, of our children losing me. Her terror of nothing being able to heal me. I could feel her body shaking a little, and despite the fact that it was going to fucking break me, I pulled her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her.

The moment our eyes met, I realised she was fighting herself not to cry and it fucking hurt. This was the pain I wanted to keep her from... I couldn‘t give her the life she wanted... “I was expecting that answer anyway,” I said to Kiara and Alejandro, who were obviously conversing through the link from the looks on their faces.

Azura shifted, straddling me, and locked her arms around my neck tightly. I closed my eyes, inhaling her scent deeply as I caressed her back. “It ain‘t fucking over until we have drained every fucking avenue, how long do you have?” Alejandro growled. I leaned back slightly, my hands on Azura‘s ass, making sure my face was still set in the same ” I don‘t give a fuck” expression. “A month or two max, if that.” I replied coldly.

“And you didn‘t think to seek out help earlier?” Alejandro frowned. “Does Marcel know?” My own irritation rose, I knew he was fucking worried, but I didn‘t need to explain shit to him. “I never fucking realised it was that serious until it was far too fucking late, and it wasn‘t like I was going to ask the very same people who I didn‘t want to fucking face.” I growled, unable to keep my anger at bay.

“We‘re family Leo and.”

“And what? I fucking told you I didn‘t think it was fucking serious!” I growled, my aura raging around me.

“You shouldn‘t have taken the fucking chance, you had a son, and what about your father?” Alejandro shot back, his aura filling the air. I placed Azura down and stood up, glaring at the man who stood opposite me. Our alpha auras raged around us, so intense you could feel it. Blazing red eyes met magnetic blue.

“I‘m not a fucking god that I can see the future. Now end this shit, it‘s fucking done, don‘t make me regret even allowing Kiara to try.” I snarled, my eyes flashing. “This isn‘t over, Al – relax, i know you‘re upset.” Kiara whispered, cupping his face and forcing him to look at her.

“Fucking hell.” I muttered, taking out a packet of cigarettes and taking one between my lips. “Still, he tried to deal with that shit alone.” Alejandro growled, “He may not care for us but I fucking care.” “I know, baby.”


“You don‘t fucking know me so don‘t think you know shit.” I growled back. “Stop it. Both of you.” Azura snapped, standing up and when she placed her hand on my shoulder as she looked between us it was clear she was angry as much as she was upset. “There‘s no point in ifs and buts, it‘s happened, and I wasn‘t able to heal him. We need to find a solution.” Kiara said quietly.

“Yeah, and he‘s trying ok, despite everything he‘s been through, he‘s trying to be a better person, Alejandro! Try to see that. I get that you are upset too, but this is hard for him too.” Azura added, her eyes flashing with pain and frustration.

Alejandro‘s eyes met hers. A frown on his face.

“Then he better fucking try harder to live.” He growled, his eyes flashing once more, before he turned and stormed out of the room.

Kiara looked at me and Azura apologetically. “He‘s just hurt, I told him only a little earlier... I hoped I could fix it – he feels he failed you entirely.” She whispered, reaching over as she placed a hand on both our ch before she looked down. “We will find a way, there‘s Delsanra, Raihana, and maybe Dante might have the answer... We are going to figure this out... Excuse me.” “Thanks for trying.” I said when she turned to leave.

I didn‘t even look at her, simply smoking my cigarette. She sighed softly, and I saw her nod sadly before she left.

“We will find a way.” Azura murmured, and I looked down at her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

“Yeah.” I murmured while kissing her forehead softly. She leaned into me, and just then there was a light knock on the half–open door.

“Mind if I come in?” Dante asked, entering anyway.

Azura turned to him, her heart racing, and I knew she was about to ask him for help.

“Give us a minute Beautiful? I asked quietly. It was obvious Dante wanted to talk about something, and I really didn‘t want her to hear any more bad news today.

“Why can‘t I be here?” She asked.

I kissed her lips slowly, and she sighed in frustration.

“One minute.” She said frowning.

  1. on.

A moment‘s silence followed as I walked over to the window and opened it, leaning against the frame as I smoked.


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