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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 67

67. A Turn of Events


It was the following afternoon, and we were ready to head back home. Last night when I had thought all hope was gone, I realised I was the answer. Sure, we didn‘t know exactly how it would work and I knew Dante wasn‘t going to tell me the answer, but at least we knew the main thing and we wouldn‘t let the chance pass by. There were less than two weeks until the next full moon and we‘d figure it out. Or I‘m sure Leo would, and I will just stick to Leo and hope for the best.

Last night we didn‘t sleep much, he had held me in his arms, stroking my hair and back. It wasn‘t sexual but it was so intimate that the emotions I was feeling, were unexplainable. I loved him and as much as that was gushy mushy, I did want to tell him. I just needed to find the right time.

Are these all for me?” Corrado asked in awe as Dante finished loading the trunk with all the toys and clothes that Kiara had gotten for Corrado.

The weather was warm, and despite the sun being up, a cool wind was blowing. “Yes, they are.” She smiled as she leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. “Thank you so much Aunty Kia... but I don‘t need so many things. My Daddy gets me lots of things.” He replied, looking at Leo who was smoking, as if for approval if he can have the things. I placed my hands on my knees bending over next to him. “It‘s ok kiddo, it‘s from Aunty Kia, we can keep them all.” I whispered, ruffling his hair. “Aunty? She‘s his grandma.” Alejandro smirked as he came out of the house with another two boxes.


“She isn‘t as old as you, besides she‘s my sister. So, he can call her aunty through me. You can stick to being a grandad, I mean you‘re old enough to be my grandad” I stated, making him grab my head, I knew he was going to give it a squeeze, so I ducked, swatting his hand away. “You need to treat the Westwood women better.” I glowered.

He always treated Raven, who was one of Kiara‘s best friends, in the exact same way.

He dumped the boxes in the boot, only for Kiara to catch them in time, and place them down gently. Dusting his hands off, he looked at me. “Oh yeah? You‘re

practically a Rossi now. Remember when you used to go on about hating Rossi men?”

I rolled my eyes; he got me there... “Not really I mean, I said most men, I‘m ok with the Giant Shrimp and Rayhan–” Leo‘s eyes narrowed and I stuck my tongue out at him. “And of course, Leo, besides he‘s totally different from you.” “Is he?” Rayhan asked, as Dante scoffed, before he hid it fast, earning himself a glare from me. “I don‘t see much difference.” Rayhan added as he walked down the steps, raising an eyebrow as he looked at me. Folding my arms, I pouted slightly. “You have a point...” Kiara laughed as Corrado looked between Leo and Al. His eyes became wide as saucers. “Oh, I see it!” Both tattooed men looked at him, Alejandro smirked as Leo raised an eyebrow. Both speaking at the same time.

“I‘m his secret role model.” “We‘re nothing alike.” Leo glared at him. “Like I said, we aren‘t alike...”

Dante simply chuckled, pulling the trunk shut, and leaned against it. “Oh, you two definitely have so much in common. It isn‘t a bad thing.”

“Whatever, let‘s get going.” Leo said, taking a final drag of his cigarette before getting rid of it. Our eyes met, and he closed the gap between us and pulled me into his arms, kissing my neck. Clearly not bothered that everyone was watching us.

He wanted me, and I wanted him as much... It‘s crazy how strong this connection and the hunger for one another was.

“Atlas.” Alejandro‘s voice made me slowly move away from Leo.

He approached, holding a bag and smiling slightly. His gaze went to Leo who simply watched him coldly and it was then a thought occurred to me. One regarding my other brother Liam, Leo was not going to forgive him as easily as the rest had... 6

“Hi.” Atlas greeted. Kiara smiled, brushing her hair back. “Hello, you came just in time.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, I‘m glad I made it in time, I wanted to say goodbye.” He looked at me and I nodded, gesturing at Leo. “This is my mate, Leo and this is our son Corrado.” He didn‘t question anything, simply holding his hand out to Leo, who took it,

giving it a firm shake before he winked at Corrado.


Corrado tilted his head “Hello. Who are you?”

“I’m a frien–” “This is one of my brothers. Atlas.” I announced cutting Atlas off. He looked up at me, surprise clear in his eyes, but I wasn‘t going to lie. I realised I was being unfair; he had done nothing wrong and the time I spent with him showed he wasn‘t a bad person. He didn‘t deserve my hostility. Sure we weren‘t close, but who knows, maybe someday?

A small half smile crossed his lips, and I smiled back before brushing my hair back.

“Oh... So you‘re my uncle. I have such a big family now. I need to remember everyone‘s names!” Corrado said thoughtfully. 3 Atlas smiled at him. “Definitely, but once you get to see everyone more and more, it gets easier.” Corrado nodded before I motioned Atlas to follow me to the mansion steps. He followed and I stopped on the bottom step looking at him. Ah, this was better, the step gave me some additional height. The rest could still hear but I didn‘t really care, at least the Rossi giants weren‘t surrounding me. Atlas looked down at the bag in his hand. “I won‘t keep you for long, this is just a little something for you. I‘m sorry I didn‘t know you had a son or I would have made sure to get him something too.” He explained, holding the bag out to me.

Accepting it, I smiled, and he shoved his hands into his pockets. “Don‘t apologise it‘s not like I told you, you didn‘t even need to get me anything but thanks.” I replied with a small smirk.

He ran his hand through his hair. “Thanks... for reaching out to me.”

I looked down at the bag, then glanced at the Rossi men, watching Rayhan and Leo conversing before they shook hands. I smiled softly and looked at Atlas. We did the right thing. “I‘m glad I did.” He was about to speak when the mansion door opened and Song stepped out, busy texting on her phone. She was so lost in her phone that she didn‘t realise there were steps and fell face forward, stumbling as she slipped on the stairs. “Whoa!” I exclaimed, making to grab her, only for Atlas to catch hold of her. She

snatched hold of his shirt, her heart thundering as she slowly regained her balance, his hands supporting her waist. Atlas slowly let go of her. “Easy there.” She glanced up at him, her eyes widening as she stared up at him. My eyebrow shot up and I cleared my throat. “This is Atlas.” I introduced.

Her eyes widened and she nodded jumping back, almost stumbling over the bottom step and if Atlas didn‘t grab hold of her elbow I was sure she was going to get knocked on her ass again.

“Oh hey!” She said, her cheeks tinged pink. “I mean thank you!” It was amusing seeing her so flustered, she waved at him before looking as if she wanted to kick herself. Ah babe I‘m not going to let this slide, first Rayhan now Atlas? The girl needs to get laid. Smirking at my own thoughts, I crossed my arms.

Atlas smiled slightly, holding his hand out to her. “It‘s nice to meet you...” He trailed off, and Song smacked her forehead.

“Oh yeah, sorry I haven‘t introduced myself, I‘m Song.”

“Nice to meet you.” He said as I saw Leo getting Corrado into the car.

“Come on Mommy!”


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