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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 85

84. Where it Began


“I remember this place.” Jin said quietly, looking around. It was me, Azura, Jax and Dan as well. Ace and Li Sheng were still trying to track down Judah.

We had come fully equipped just in case shit went down and I had Azura with us. I would not risk anything and intended to ask Raihana or maybe even Delsanra to place a protective spell around her, just in case something happened. I needed her and our pup safe.

“Who doesn’t?” I replied to Jin. We spoke quietly, yet our voices seemed to echo through the dark tunnels, bouncing off the walls and reaching our ears.

It had taken us two hours to get here, and now, with each passing moment, that dark feeling of foreboding grew. I looked around the darkness. I could still feel the darkness hanging in the air… as if a shadow of her presence remained within these caverns.

My gaze went to the far wall. Just when we turned a bend, I remember when she had created a child Wendigo… Yet even as a monster; the child was a child… its eerie wailing chilled me to the core, and I remember her throwing it against the wall and killing it… spreading blood and guts across that entire wall… 3

I had to clean it…

When people hear that I have a sharp memory and can remember pretty much everything, they say I’m lucky or are simply impressed… sometimes… sometimes forgetting things is a blessing…

“Leo.” Azura’s voice pulled me from the darkest corners of my mind, and I exhaled slowly.

I tried to get rid of the dark, damp smell that filled my nose, a smell I was so used to while growing up.

Jax scuffed his foot over the floor, and I saw a bone beneath his feet. “This place is hidden by magic, but it’s a shame it’s not fucking burned down.”

“Didn’t the Lycan king try to destroy it?” Jin asked, looking around slowly.

“I don’t know… I didn’t want to know…” I murmured. The caverns had a few entrances but only our pack really knew those, and some were extremely hard to get to, or even blocked.

Like the one I had helped Delsanra escape through all those years ago.

Dan frowned, scanning the paths ahead.” I don’t think any amount of magic or power could destroy this place… Can you guys not feel the heaviness in the air? Darkness and evil remain here…”

“Then is it fucking smart to be down here? Don’t want to disturb anything.”

Jax added, kicking some bones out of his way.

I raised an eyebrow. I thought he didn’t fucking want to disturb shit.

“Scared?” Dan grinned, looking at Jax.

“Not really, there’s very little I’m scared of.” Jax countered. The tension seemed to lift a little.

“Emmet’s been down here. I don’t think that will make a difference.” I added, holding Azura tight as we walked down a narrow winding path.

Jax nodded. “What about you Luna? Scared?”

“No, not at all… I was just thinking Kiara’s been down here too… Just thinking how you all grew up here…” She said, frowning slightly.

“Luckily, it’s all in the past.” Jin said to her with a small smile.

It was good to see them warming up to her.

We slowed down seeing the faint light ahead, and as one we all readied our guns, making Azura raise an eyebrow.

‘That was damn sexy.’ She murmured as we rounded the corner into what was obviously a makeshift lab.

The place was empty of all life, though.


‘Oh yeah, you look sexy with a gun… so will you give me a gun?’ She asked as I lowered my gun slowly, taking in the equipment, the fridges, the boxes that lay to the side.

‘I’ll think about it.’ I replied arrogantly, making her frown.

She was fucking perfect.

“He was so confident that no one would find this place.” Dan murmured, as he did a quick walk around, almost as if to check if there was someone hiding just in case, but I could tell from the scent no one had been here in a while.

“Check the room next door. Is there anything else in there?” I asked as Dan went over to the door, blowing off the lock and kicking open the door ahead, gun at the ready.

“Crates of stuff… looks like supplies… and … Leo, I think this is the substance that was added to the drugs.” He called.

I crossed the room, taking Azura with me as I entered the smaller room, a room that was fucking full of products. Crouching down, I sniffed it, swearing.

“Yeah, it’s the fucking poison.” I stood up scanning the room. Emmet wasn’t done… from this room it was obvious he was planning to make many more too.” I picked up a handful of bullet casings.


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