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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 86

85. A Dinner with Enemies


Even with their masks, I knew who was who from their scents and build. I knew the curiosity of those around us would only be heightened because, for the first time, I had a woman by my side. I was always a private person. No one knew me as anything but Schurke Wolf. Then there was the fact I was down one of my regular men… The Six were always with me and today… today there were five…

It still hurt, and I don’t think that the pain of his loss would ever completely go away…

Rumours would be afloat, they probably fucking were already, but I was fine with that, anything to keep the attention away from the main reason we were here.

I kept my hand on Azura’s waist; I hadn’t wanted her to come, but I also knew she was my mate, born to be my equal, and I had no right to control her decisions. If she was in my place, I sure as fuck wouldn’t stay back. But that also didn’t mean I was going to let her risk herself.

We mingled, and Azura stayed silent behind her rhinestone chain face mask. It didn’t cover her face entirely, but the others that Jax had purchased for her had all been uncomfortable around her eyes. This was the only one that had been comfortable enough according to my Sexy Little Psycho. I couldn’t really blame the masks since her eyes were so fucking perfectly huge.

Several of my own men came over to greet me, followed by those smaller Cartel dons that were partially run by myself. Big enough to be powerful, yet still far too small to defy me.

I made small talk, and if someone didn’t know better, they’d think this was just another business dinner… Several thanked me officially for doing business with them, yet what disturbed me was that not one seemed to have an issue with the drugs being tainted… Not one mentioned it.

No complaints that I cheated them against what was promised…

Scanning the room, I knew they all feared me… I could smell the fear seeping from them when I walked past them.

I didn’t really care… I came for a reason. There were several things I needed to do… and I planned to handle them all tonight. Even if it risked showing my humanity…

Schurke Wolf may be known to be heartless, ruthless and dangerous but in the end, there were still rules that I expected to be obeyed.

Time to get this shit over with.

‘Not all of our buyers are here. The seven who were unable to make it let us know, of course, and a few should be here shortly.‘ Li Sheng said through the link.

‘Get our men to purchase those drugs back from them, even if it means as customers. Those were smaller buyers… but I haven’t seen Web yet. Is he here?‘ I asked, opening the link between the five and Azura. My hand caressing her waist.

‘Oh, he’s almost here. Our men are tracking him. He made a stop on his way, we’re finding out who he spoke to and exactly where he went.” Jin added.

‘Find out fast,‘ I replied sharply.

That didn’t seem right…

It was a while later, and we were now making our way to dinner. Unlike the rest of the people here, only the leaders would retreat to a private room, where I would state the reason behind this dinner. They all knew there was a purpose for this invitation, and many were on edge to know exactly what that was. Each one was tense and on edge as they waited for me to share.

I was now seated at the head of the table, with the Five standing behind us. The table was large, and everyone was spread out giving enough space for their men to flank them, a lavish meal was set out in front of us. We were about to begin eating when the doors opened and none other than Web entered.

He wore a white suit on his stocky frame and a gold mask with a long beak on his face, a cigar in hand.

“I apologise for my tardiness; however, I have a vast business to run.” He declared, taking his seat that awaited him.

Our eyes met, and he forced a smile.

“I hope that’s all it was… business.” I remarked coldly.

His heart thudded and I could smell the sweat and fear oozing off him, like a man who had just committed a crime and feared being caught.

“Yes, like I said, I am sorry.”

I raised an eyebrow behind my mask. Something was off. “No need to apologise. We are glad you could make it.”

“Ah, of course.” He replied, his eight men behind him standing at attention. He was the one who had brought the most security.

‘Ace, send out more men, find what he was up to.‘ I commanded before being the first to dig in, making sure the food was safe, of course it was my men who had arranged the food, but no one would eat it unless I tasted it first. Although poison for humans wouldn’t kill me anyway, I wouldn’t play fucking dirty like that.

“It’s an honour to be called to a dinner by yourself, Schurke Wolf. After all, you don’t really like to mix.” One of the men said, his eyes on Azura, who could easily pass for a high–end


I reached over, taking her hand and kissed her wrist softly, trying not to act possessive of her even though I wanted to fucking put him in his place.

Looking at my gorgeous girl, I knew the pout on her face was from her wondering how she was going to eat with her mask that dangled over her lips. She was apparently pretty hungry, or more like she was blaming our pup for taking too much from her and being the cause. Those walls were down the majority of the time. (2

“Sometimes things call for it. We will discuss further after we have eaten.” I said coldly, allowing a server to pour me a glass of wine.

Several of the men had their glasses checked by their men before they allowed the wine to be poured.

“I apologise, Shurke Wolf, but times are hard, and we must be careful.” One of the men who had his plate wiped down spoke.

I nodded. “Of course, only a fool would dig in blindly, however rest assured if I wished to kill you it would not be cowardly poisoning via a meal.”

They laughed uneasily, each one trying to display their fearlessness, yet they weren’t able to hide their fear and doubt completely… They were shrewd men, most sharp and cunning, others wiser and smarter, but regardless of their personalities, these were the Dons for a


‘Guess you’ll be joining us for a meal later, Luna‘ Jax snickered, and I glanced at Azura who was looking at the food with displeasure.

‘I prefer you not eating anything here, anyway.” I added, although I had taken careful measures to make sure the food was untouched, I’d rather be safe.

‘He says that whilst eating himself.‘ She retorted before picking up her wine glass and sitting back, crossing her legs. Even drinking wasn’t too fucking easy in that mask.

Web was watching her intently, in fact a little too curiously for my liking.

“Who is the beautiful woman by your side, Schurke Wolf? We all know you don’t entertain women, or men, for that matter.” He smirked at his own comment, “Or none that we know of.” I raised my eyebrow, a cold smirk on my face, as I looked at Azura.

“This is… Lola.” I said with a small smirk. Azura’s eyes snapped to mine. 4


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