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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 91

90. A Close Call


We simply walked around the pack for a bit. Leo looked super pissed, and I knew he’d tell me what was on his mind when he was ready.

But the minutes were passing, and I could feel his irritation rising. Even with his impeccable skills at keeping the block up, he was still letting snippets seep through the cracks. He was on his fourth cigarette already, and I had had enough. I need him to talk.

“Ok. What’s wrong?” I asked, coming to a stop, and gripping his upper arm. A soft wind blew through my hair as I forced him to turn to face me.

He had his jaw clenched; those plump lips set in that pissed-off pout of his.

Oh, Goddess, this man was so fuckably perfect. Was that a word? It was in my books. But right now, I was more concerned about his emotions, he was still struggling to control them. What exactly had happened?

I tilted my head, waiting for him to speak as I stepped closer, cupping his face.” Tell me, what’s wrong?” I whispered.

He exhaled, his arms locking around my waist, and gave a half smile. “This pup’s getting in between us now.” He murmured, looking down at my stomach, and I nodded.

“Yeah… it’s growing faster now.” I whispered, leaning up I kissed his jaw, waiting. “Now talk to me, Blue Eyes. Don’t change the subject.”

He sighed, frustrated, clearly knowing he couldn’t delay from telling me any longer.

“Well… I fucked up. I didn’t ask Emmet if anyone in this pack was helping him. I should have asked for names… I mean, I could have the entire pack put under alpha command and ask them, but that will cause way more fucking damage to a Pack that is already crippled. Their trust isn’t the same… not after everything we’ve been through. It will fuck em up.”

Fuck. He forgot to ask Emmet that one vital question… Even I didn’t think of that, and neither did the five… we were all so in the moment! But I understood what

he meant about the pack… “Babe, you can’t beat yourself up over that! I get that it sets us back a little, but none of us

thought of that. So please, it’s ok, we got this.” I caressed his jaw with my thumbs, it was obvious that my words didn’t ease his irritation.

He exhaled, looked away, and passed me. “I shouldn’t have fucked up. I made….

Fuck.” He was blaming himself unfairly. I pulled his head down, cupping the sides o f his jaw, my finger brushing his ears and kissed him deeply.

‘No. You didn’t. It’s ok, we will figure it out. Together.’ I whispered through the link, letting my emotions flow through to him.

He relaxed a little, yanking me closer, as he leaned down over me, kissing me harder.


We broke apart after a few moments and he was slightly calmer. “We’re going to get the answers.” I said. It hasn’t been that long since we have been together… but it felt like ages…

“Yeah… we will. It was just a lead fucking wasted.” He said quietly, his head tilted a s he looked me over slowly. “How did I get you?”

I smirked, my stomach fluttering. “Mm, well… I’m a Westwood woman. We all know that the Rossis love us. Especially the broken, damaged ones just need us.”

“Oh yeah? Cocky much?”

“What can I say? You’re rubbing off on me…” I said, satisfied to see that sexy smile back on his face.

Oh fuck, I was in love and I had it so bad.

Everything he did made me giddy. It was a feeling I hadn’t experienced before him

“Yeah?” He asked softly, that gorgeous smile still on his face.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. Don’t say anything!” I warned, thinking these walls were so damn hard to focus o

“Come on, let’s go see Kareena.”

He nodded, his smile faded before I ran off. He caught up with ease, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in my neck as he tickled me.

“You ain’t so fucking fast.”

“Leo!” I laughed, unable to stop as I writhed in his arms, gasping when his fingers caressed my waist teasingly.

“Fuck, you smell good.” He groaned into my neck as we headed to Kareena and

Shane’s house.

It took us another ten minutes to get there. The Sangue pack was large, and with its layout, it was more of a city than any other pack I have seen. Shane and Kareena’s house was in the quieter part where there were actually houses with gardens unlike the majority of the pack which were entirely apartments.

This pack was incredibly modern and stylish. I’m sure if other packs actually saw this place… they’d be jealous.

When we finally reached the double-story house. We walked through the gates and Leo rang the doorbell, but there was no answer.

“Do you think she’s gone out?” I asked, unsure.

She hadn’t left since the funeral.

“I don’t think so. She’s been inside the majority of the time… the guards were supposed to be here… and someone was supposed to be inside with her.” Leo frowned, looking around.

He knocked once more and rang the bell.

I felt him lowering his walls so I could enter his mind. ‘Kareena?’ He called her through the link. ‘Kareena?’


‘Who was the last one with Kareena?’ He asked through the mind link.

‘You.’ Ace’s voice came into Leo’s mind.”

You said you were going to head there after the hearing, an hour ago… Leo, what’s wrong?’

‘Yeah, is everything ok?’ Jax’s worried voice came.

My heart thudded just as Leo’s eyes flashed and he slammed his shoulder into the front door. The door trembled at the powerful impact, but it was made to withstand a werewolf’s strength. He stepped back and this time he kicked it. It splintered as it went flying, creating an intense blast and if Kareena was asleep or didn’t hear the door, she sure would have now.

“Kareena!” He shouted, his voice was cold, but I could sense his panic through the bond. “Check upstairs! I’ll check down here.” I nodded as he ran through t o the lounge whilst I ran to the stairs, taking them two at a time and following my nose, I ran to her bedroom.

Pushing open the door, I saw that it was empty.

“Kareena?” I called, stepping into the room, when my gaze fell on the bathroom door in the corner.

My heart thumped, and that’s when I heard the tap running and I felt relieved. Thank the goddess…

“Kareena?” I called, walking over to the door. Nothing. I knocked again


I tried the handle of the door, only to realise it was locked.


‘She’s up here!’ I called through the link.

My eyes blazed and a flare of power blazed around me, wrapping around my hand and frying the entire lock and handle off. I pushed it open, freezing in m y tracks.

“Azura?!” Leo called, but I couldn’t reply, the sight before me making my stomach sink.

The tap was running into a bath that was overfull already, but what sent a chill down my spine, was the hand that hung out of the bath. The coppery smell of blood hit my nose as I approached the bath that was coloured pinky-red. A faint heartbeat could be heard, but it was so quiet…

“Kareena?” I called, as I stopped at the bath and stared down into the bloody water, my eyes widening in horror.

“Leo!” I shouted, panic making my voice shake as I plunged my arms into the bloody water, lifting the body from the water.

Leo rushed in just as I placed her on the floor.

Deep cuts ran along her wrists. They were still bleeding, which meant she probably

used a poisonous blade to create them.

My mind was spinning as I tried to remain calm, dropping to my knees beside her body. I needed to perform CPR right now! Placing one hand over the other, I began on chest compressions.

Leo seemed frozen for a moment, his heart thundering. “Leo, we need help! Now!” He blinked, snapping out of his reverie.


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