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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 92

91. Spilt Coffee
I returned home, hearing Winona and Corrado in the lounge and although I was tempted to go greet him, I knew she wasn’t comfortable around me alone. I had messed that up and I really have no idea why I did what I did. 2

Fuck, I screwed up big time and why did I even think she’d be interested? I was sixty; she was twenty–six, that’s a big gap. Sighing heavily, I headed to the kitchen to make myself a mug of coffee. 3

The trial from earlier was still fresh in my mind. Eric’s reaction was extremely worrying… Of course, I understand the compassion killing, rather than having someone who hates him pull the bullet. Eric himself did it to make it easier for his brother. For Emmet to know that those he hates weren’t the ones who killed him, would make it easier for him to go… but I didn’t think Eric was the type to ever be able to kill anyone, let alone his brother. 6

There was no hesitation in him, not even a tremor to his wrist… His heartbeat was fast, but that was it. I ran my fingers through my brows sighing, maybe I was thinking too much into it. I grabbed a mug and switched the coffee machine on, only to realise the pods were finished. 2

I opened the cabinet drawer above the machine, but there was none anywhere. Rosaline… she had been busy rearranging things to her liking. She must have moved them. Well, they had to be here somewhere… I opened the drawers, rummaging around. After a few minutes, I wondered if the coffee was even worth it. This’ll do until dinner…

“…want milk! When will Mommy and Daddy come home?” Corrado’s voice came, and I exhaled.

No coffee for today. Running my hand through my hair, I instead grabbed a protein bar from the door.

I shut the cabinet drawer just in time as Winona and Corrado entered. A genuine smile appeared on her face as she tucked a strand of her hair that had come free from her hair tie, behind her ear. Her slender figure was in a white blouse that draped over her breasts, paired with beige flared pants. I looked away quickly, angry at myself for even checking her out. 3)


“Hey son, how have you been today?” I asked smoothly, going over to him and bending down to give him a hug. His smile was vibrant, and it often reminded me of Petra’s. She used to have a cheeky look to her, too, with round cheeks and dimples. 4

He smiled, planting a kiss on my forehead. “It was good grandad, but Winnie told me tomorrow is Mommy and Daddy’s ceremony, but Daddy and Mommy didn’t tell me themselves, so I’m mad now.” He huffed, crossing his arms, looking cute yet displeased.

I chuckled, lightly ruffling his hair. “I know, son, they have been very busy, but I’m certain they will tell you. Now go have that milk and I will head to my room; I need to make sure the protocol for all the guests arriving tomorrow is in place.”

I stood up, accidentally making the mistake of looking at her, our eyes met before she looked away first, trying to smile.

Great, now she couldn’t even smile at me.

I left the kitchen, thinking I’d just stay out of the way in my bedroom. Heading upstairs, I pulled my shirt off upon entering my room, and dropped onto the bed. I sighed heavily, leaning my head back against the headboard, and stared at the ceiling.

What was I even doing? It had been years, and I had no mate, a mate I barely remembered… I was still a man and although I never ever pictured myself falling in love again, I still bedded women – mostly when I went away. I didn’t really like mixing pleasure with my own pack.

But seeing Winona in that dress that night had just made me see her differently. But that was the wrong woman to have my eyes on. Yet, since then, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking of her or observing her. Shaking my head, I frowned deeply as I picked up my laptop, and got to work.

Leo’s security plan was intense… to the point, it might appear we didn’t trust anyone to enter the pack. He didn’t want any electronic devices; everyone was to leave them in a safe box at the edge of the pack. No vehicles were to enter, and everyone would be scanned upon entrance. I had already sent his criteria to Alejandro earlier. I now logged onto my email after switching some music on to see if he had replied.

I scanned the list, sticking my ear pods in and turned the volume up. I looked at the electronic multimedia invitation card that Leo had sent out, and I couldn’t help but smile. He had invited all the Rossi’s, Raihana and Chris, including the Westwoods and Nicholsons too. I was proud of him; he had a good head on his shoulders.

Clicking on my email inbox, I saw Alejandro had replied. Opening it, I skimmed the email.

‘And what the fuck do you find wrong with him being careful? No one will find it fucking extreme. With that fucker Judah being out there, I don’t blame him for being extra careful. I think we’re all fucking proud of him rising to become the Alpha he truly is. I’m fucking proud of him. Those rules will be followed.

Oh, and those two will be arriving around seven tonight. I did text you, so take care of them for me… more like I should with you. Good luck with her there. The rest of us will come tomorrow evening. I look forward to it.‘

I smirked slightly and quickly replied. ‘Glad you at least understand him when I think he’s being excessive, but he does have a point. We can’t risk everything. And don’t worry, I will treat them as my own. They are as much mine as yours. I look forward to having them here and I’m sure Azura will be pleased to see them here.‘

I glanced at the time. Maybe I should shower before it’s time for dinner. Leo was currently at the hospital after what happened with Kareena, but they would be home soon… I frowned deeply as I stood up and unbuckled my belt. I was sliding my zipper down just as the door opened to reveal Winona standing there, a mug of coffee in her hand.

She gasped, her eyes flew open as they landed on me and I knew what was about to happen. I jumped forward, catching the mug that slipped from her hand before it shattered and burned her. The scalding liquid spilt over my hands.

“I’m so sorry!” She yelped, her heart thundering as she quickly took the mug from me and placed it aside as she pulled on her blouse sleeve, dabbing my hand as she blew softly. But even in her panic, she was scanning the room before she tugged me toward the bathroom.

A part of me wanted to tell her that a bit of hot coffee wasn’t going to hurt me, I was already healing, and it’ll be healed within a minute, yet another part of me didn’t mind seeing her panicking over me… She opened the cold tap, pulling my hand under.

Her hands were so tiny… and slender… I was a little too aware of her touch.

“I am so sorry, I knocked, but you didn’t reply! I wouldn’t have just walked in and saw you-” She stopped in her tracks, her eyes going to my shirtless torso once more before dipping to my pants which were now unzipped. At least I’m wearing boxers. She looked away quickly, her hair shielding her face.

“It’s alright Winona, I had my ear pods in. I didn’t hear the door but we’re werewolves, nudity comes with it, don’t you think? Luckily I’m still wearing my pants.” I smirked, making her freeze. Her shirt was splattered with the water that she had turned on full, making the silk fabric stick to her breasts in a few areas.

“I am sorry, I saw the empty mug was there, and I thought maybe you didn’t find the coffee pods…”

“That’s actually true.” I agreed with a nod, wondering if I should tell her that I was healed.

She nodded slowly, still holding my hand. “I’m sorry you have to walk on eggshells around me.” She whispered.

So she knew I left the kitchen fast because of her…

I leaned against the wall, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t apologise, that’s something I should do… for the other night-”


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