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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 10


  Slowly, I step out from behind Nathan, still blushing after seeing his enormous member. I gently place my hand in his. He rubs the back of my hand with his thumb, sending sparks between us. He smiles at me with his big blue eyes.

  ‘Let's go,’ he says, I nod, and let him lead me out of the dungeon. It’s so bright outside. I use my free hand to shield my eyes from the sun. Being in that dungeon for weeks, it had been a while since I had seen daylight.

  He opens the door of a long, black car, I’ve never seen before. He gestures for me to hop in but everything is glary, and my eyes are hurting too much.

  Noticing I’m struggling to see; he puts his hands on my hips and guides me into the backseat.

  He gets dressed in black pants and a white shirt, and sits down next to me. Nathan gets in the driver’s seat.

  ‘I'll drive,’ he says. Their driver is dead. Alpha Max puts his arm around me, pulling me into his chest.

  ‘Do your eyes hurt, my love?’ He asks, sending a hot shiver through my body. I nod.

  ‘Close your eyes and rest your head on my chest. They will adjust soon,’ he says, softly, stroking my hair.

  I doze off the moment my head rests on his chest.

  I sit up squinting, my eyes don't hurt anymore and I can see properly. We aren't in Blackwood. I haven’t left Blackwood before, and everything is unfamiliar.

  ‘Feeling better?’ Alpha Max asks me, and I nod and smile which makes him smile.

  ‘You've been asleep half the day,’ he says.

  ‘Oh, sorry,’ I reply. He grabs my hands and kisses them, making me blush.

  ‘Don't be sorry. You needed the sleep. You know we haven't been properly introduced yet,’ he says, smiling.

  ‘I’m Alpha Maximus of the Blood Moon pack. I’ve been searching desperately for you. You don't know how happy I am to have found you,’ he says with a beaming smile.

  Smiling, I blush at his sweet words. I thought I would never hear anyone say such nice things to me.

  ‘What might your name be?’ He asks, and I smile up at him

  ‘Hope,’ I reply, sweetly.

  Alpha Max shifts into Chaos who lets out a snarl and Nathan panics.

  ‘No Chaos! You are not going back there to kill the rest of them!’ Nathan yells. I shuffle towards Nathan.

  ‘Is Chaos going to hurt me?’ I ask, unsure what’s happening. Chaos' face changes from angry to hurt when I ask that question. He whimpers and slowly brings his snout to my face. I think he wants me to pat him. I hesitantly stroke his face. I smile when he completely relaxes and purrs like a cat. I giggle and let him lick my face.

  ‘Stop Chaos,’ I giggle, playfully pushing his snout away. I look at Nathan who has the biggest grin on his face.

  ‘You know, I have never, in twenty-three years knowing Alpha Max, seen this side of his lycan,’ he says, in disbelief.

  ‘Really? He is really cute and adorable,’ I say, rubbing my nose against his wet snout, and Nathan laughs.


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