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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 11

  Running as fast as I can back to the car, shadows whip past me. I slip, fall, and roll a few metres.

  There are three wolves in front of me, who shift into their human forms and approach me.

  ‘Come. We will safely return you to Alpha Tate,’ one offers.

  ‘No, I don't want to go back there. I want to stay with Max,’ I say, shaking my head.

  ‘But Alpha Tate is your mate. Why would you want to stay with a lycan?’ The man asks.

  ‘They’re both my mates. I rejected Alpha Tate,’ I explain. The men look at each other in shock.

  ‘You rejected Alpha Tate to be with that thing? That monster?’ He asks.

  ‘Yes, and I would reject Alpha Tate again if I could. Now let me pass,’ I say.

  ‘You must be crazy. I don't think you’re in the right frame of mind. Just come with us to the house and we will get the doctor to check you out. Maybe you hit your head or something. You're not thinking clearly,’ he gestures.

  ‘No, I told you. I’m staying with Max,’ I say.

  ‘This she-wolf has lost the plot boys. Let’s take her to the pack house,’ he yells.

  He grabs my arm and I slap him across the face, which is a shock to me. The man rubs his cheek, and glares at me.

  ‘You’re as feral as that damn lycan!’ He says.

  He runs off towards the bloody battle of at least one hundred wolves. Knowing Nathan and Max can’t protect me right now while they tear shreds off other wolves, I run to the trees and pray to the Moon Goddess I can get away from the men running after me.

  I can't outrun them unless I shift, but Storm hasn't been talking to me and I know she’s too afraid to shift.

  The three men pounce on me, and hold me down. Two of them lock my arms in theirs and escort me back to the pack house.

  ‘Please. Let me go. Let me go to Max. Please!’ I beg, bursting into tears. They completely ignore me. We’re near the house where Max and Nathan are still fending off the pack; but most of them are limping away, injured.

  Nathan isn't looking too good; he is starting to sway.

  ‘Max!’ I scream, when I am captured, and Max growls ferociously at the men holding me. A wolf lunges at him from behind him, biting a chunk of flesh, and he grabs the wolf by the scruff of his neck and throws him down on the ground. After a loud crack and a yelp, the wolf lies lifeless.

  I bite down as hard as I can on the arm of the man holding me, tasting his blood. He yells and pushes me away. I get up and run to Max and Nathan, who is naked and badly injured. I try to concentrate on healing him.

  Max is still fighting off wolves, and the odd pack member unsuccessfully grabs my ankle or my arm.

  Alpha Liam removes his shirt, and is about to attack Max. With my hands on Nathans wounds, I inhale deeply, my hair rises, I begin to glow, and my eyes turn silver.

  Alpha Liam and his pack freeze. Max is breathing heavily, and steps away from them, closer to me.

  With his wounds almost healed, Nathan opens his eyes and the pack members watch. Nathan sits up, wraps his arms around me, and pulls me in for a hug.

  ‘Thank you,’ he whispers.

  ‘Witch!’ Alpha Liam yells, pointing at me. Chaos growls at him. I hide behind Chaos, and Nathan growls at Alpha Liam.

  ‘You’re both freaks! Get off my territory before I ask other packs to kill you!’ He yells.

  Chaos scoops me up in his arms protectively, and roars. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry.

  Chaos backs away cautiously, making sure no one attacks as we leave. He shifts back into Max and puts me in the car, but I won't let go of him, and just hold him tighter. He squeezes me tightly and nuzzles my neck to comfort me. My body instantly explodes with sparks.

  ‘It's okay, Hope. We’re safe now,’ he says, stroking my back. He sits on the seat with me in his lap, and my arms around his neck, and I bury my face in his chest.


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