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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 3

  Alpha Tate rejected us. Hurt us! He must be playing with us! I don't like Alpha Tate, or his wolf, Grey, who is always trying to argue with me. Storm says.

  I know. He can't expect me to run into his arms after the way he has treated me all these years. He rejected me!

  It's getting dark and cold out here. We should head back to the attic. I say.

  On my way to the house, pack members are scouring the area for me. They must be searching for us. Storm says.

  I sneak around to the back of the house and climb up the lattice, onto the roof. I crawl low, so no one can see me.

  Above the dining room, I hear Alpha Tate through the open window below me, speaking to other people. I crawl closer to the edge of the roof to hear him clearly.

  ‘I am telling you now, she isn't an ordinary wolf. I saw it with my own eyes. She has the power to heal,’ he yells.

  ‘Even if she does have this ability, what are your intentions with her?’ Sam asks.

  ‘If she can heal, we can use her to take over other packs, and become the strongest, most-feared pack in history!’ He says.

  ‘How would she help us do that? She can't heal them to death,’ Ava says, sarcastically.

  ‘We fight during battle, and she will heal us as we are wounded, so we have no chance of losing,’ Alpha Tate explains.

  ‘What if she refuses to heal us?’ Sam asks.

  ‘She will heal us. She is my mate and I am going to mark and mate her, and make her the Luna so she is obligated to help the pack,’ he explains.

  ‘No!’ Ava shouts. ‘You promised you’d mark me and make me Luna!’ Ava snaps.

  ‘You’re nothing but a whore on the side,’ he says, and she runs out of the room crying.

  I was excited about having a mate and being marked, but the thought of Alpha Tate marking me makes me shudder in repulsion.

  ‘We have another problem. We have Alpha Maximus coming to stay in a few weeks,’ Alpha Tate says.

  ‘Alpha Maximus, the Lycan Prince?’ Sam asks, startled.

  ‘Yes,’ Alpha Tate answers. Everyone in the room gasps and chats among themselves.

  ‘Silence!’ Alpha Tate yells, slamming his fist on the table.

  ‘I’m aware he is feared, but with Hope healing us, we can kill him, and then the Blood Moon pack will be ours! The other packs will never trouble us again!’ Alpha Tate explains.

  ‘What business does the lycan have here anyway?’ Someone asks.

  ‘He hasn't found his mate yet. He is travelling through every pack, until he finds her. Rumour has it, it's not just on a full moon that he loses all control over his lycan. His lycan has become more aggressive and stronger as he has gotten older and takes over any time,’ Alpha Tate explains.

  ‘You’re risking the safety of this pack allowing him here,’ Sam says.

  ‘I know that. I declined him, but he won't take no for an answer. He requested one of the cells in the dungeon to be made available for him in case he is here during a full moon. His pack members will chain him up until the full moon passes. This will be the best time to kill him; while he is locked up behind bars. Everyone fears him. We would be heroes if we killed him,’ Alpha Tate explains.

  Coward! I tell Storm.

  Just goes to show how weak Alpha Tate is, that he has to lock an alpha up before he attacks. Storm says.

  He is an unworthy alpha. I say.

  Crawling along to the other side of the roof, I push the window on the attic but it doesn't open. I scrape all the ice off around the edges, and the window opens, I climb in, and close it quietly behind me.

  I huddle up on my mattress in the corner, and blow into my clasped hands to warm them up. I hear footsteps coming upstairs. I rush over to the window, open it, and am halfway out when someone’s arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back in. I squirm and try to wriggle free.


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