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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 4

  Alpha Maximus

  My Beta Alex and Gamma Nathan chain me up in the Dark Moon pack’s dungeon, and inject wolfsbane into me to weaken my lycan, before he shifts. Every full moon I lose control over my lycan. Being chained up in the dungeon until morning is the only way to stop me from hurting or killing anyone.

  Lycans are extremely rare, and strong. One lycan can take on a few alphas at once. Most of the time I’m strong enough to control Chaos, my lycan.

  I’m greatly feared by all; even my own pack members. My Beta Alex closes and locks the iron-barred door.

  ‘Okay, Alpha Maximus. We’ll see you in the morning,’ he says.

  ‘Don't break out this time. I'd rather not refurnish the pack house again,’ Nathan smirks.

  ‘Chaos has become more aggressive and stronger. He hasn’t spoken to me in months,’ I explain.

  ‘Relax Alpha. We have more wolfsbane if we need it, and these chains are strong. You’ll be fine,’ Nathan says, reassuringly. I nod and watch them leave. I’m feeling a bit groggy from the wolfsbane. I sit staring at the cuffs around my wrists and ankles, and up at the moon hole, waiting for the full moon to phase.

  My bones start to break and fur spreads all over my body. I shift into Chaos and let out a ferocious roar that all of the Dark Moon pack will have heard.

  Chaos has full control now, and he fights against the chains in anger and agitation. Hours pass, and he is still trying to break free, showing no sign of slowing down.

  Chaos... I know you won't talk to me, but I want you to know I’m here. I feel your anger and frustration too. I say.

  He lets out another terrifying roar.

  We will find her, Chaos. I won't give up looking for her. I say.

  Free me now, and I will find her myself! Chaos snaps.

  You know I can't let you out of here until I have control again! I argue. Another ferocious roar echoes throughout the pack house.

  You’re only pissing the pack off when you keep waking them up and scaring them. I explain.

  At the end of the moon phase, my bones mend themselves and I shift back into human form. I mind-link Alex to let him know he can come and unchain me.

  ‘How was your night?’ I ask Alex, and he scrunches up his face.

  ‘Well, that depends. Do you want the truth or a lie?’ He asks.

  ‘Which one is the nicer answer?’ I ask.

  ‘The lie,’ he says, with a nervous chuckle.

  ‘Okay, tell me, then,’ I say, rolling my eyes.

  ‘Bella and I slept so well. We weren’t woken numerous times by horrific howls,’ he says, sarcastically, crossing his arms.

  ‘I'm sorry I woke her and scared her,’ I say, miserably.

  ‘It's fine, Alpha. You can't help it,’ Alex says, with a sigh.

  Alex unlocks the iron-barred door and removes the cuffs from my wrists and ankles.

  ‘I want you and Nathan to bring me a map of every pack house we have been to,’ I explain.

  ‘Okay. What’s your plan?’ Alex asks.

  ‘I need to find my mate,’ I say.

  ‘Every unmated female from every pack was at your gathering here last month,’ he reminds me.

  ‘What are you implying?’ I ask.

  ‘That your mate might not exist or has—’

  Chaos half-shifts, snarls, and takes a swipe at Alex with his claws.

  Alex quickly slams the iron door shut so I can't attack him. After a few minutes, I’m back in control. As soon as I catch my breath, I look up at Alex.

  ‘You're losing control of Chaos too often,’ Alex growls.

  He unlocks the door and lets me out. I grab him by the neck and hold him against the wall.

  ‘Don't imply my mate doesn’t exist or has died ever again! Otherwise, Chaos will be the least of your worries. It will be me you will have to fear!’ I growl.


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