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Alpha’s Surrogate by Pooja novel Chapter 13

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 13

13. Take responsibility

Kiara’s ice cream melted before her eyes, rendering it inedible not that she had even dared to move the spoon from the dish even once. How could she even consider eating them when she had committed an irreparable crime due to her own hasty judgment and folly?

She had hurled a shampoo bottle at the Alpha!!! Not only that, but she had yelled at him, raised her voice, then demanded that he leave

his own room!

“What the f**k I have done!” She yanked at her hair. When the Alpha left the bathroom, the young she wolf had realized that she had

messed with the wrong person. It had been all her fault for not securely locking the bathroom door, but in her despair and anxiety, she had blamed him then punished him as well. Since then she had cursed herself for being a fool numerous times.

She had chewed off her fingernails while sitting on the bed waiting for his return. It was midnight, yet sleep was not closer than if it was noon. All of her attention was concentrated solely on the door, through which the grumpy Alpha would enter the room to unleash his

wrath on her. Her peace of mind had grown wings taking flight from her person then continued to weave and evade her grasp at every

turn when she tried to collect it.

Kiara’s terror had intensified as the night unfolded, but Xavier had not returned to the bedroom, implying that he was going to

return with a storm. She knew she’d done wrong by hurling a shampoo bottle at him, and she felt terrible about it. Instead of fright and

anxiety, she had resolved to apologize to him, but her face grew bright red as a tomato when she realized he had seen her naked.

While rolling on the bed concealing her face in her palms, she let out a furious but cathartic sigh. She knew that wouldn’t be able to look him in the eyes without recalling how she had been completely exposed in front of him! In actuality, she was embarrassed more

than she was scared. She had finally managed to relax her body and laid down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as she waited for


When he had not returned after another hour of waiting, she had become concerned. Had she hurled the shampoo bottle so hard that he had been in so much pain that he had needed to go to the hospital? No, that would no more quickly than any other wolf. Secondly, a shampoo bottle would only sting him like an ant bite. Getting out of bed, she made her way to the door, she was determined to find out why he hadn’t returned to their room.

She was astonished to find the lights turned on throughout the pack house as she descended the stairs. What was going on? Why

were so many people awake so late at night? No sounds had reached her in the room, but the scene changed as soon as she entered the

corridor. The main entrance of the pack house was open, but Jennifer and Leena were spotted wandering the hall.

“Jennifer, what’s going on here? Is there something wrong?” Kiara had placed her hands over her arms, worried about standing in

front of the others in her sleeveless top and little shorts that she had typically worn in her pack, but she had no idea how these people dressed at night. Fortunately, she didn’t look odd because Lena was wearing more exposing clothing than her. Jennifer had been wearing

a knee-length nightgown covering her big belly.

“Kiara, we thought you were sleeping,” Jennifer exclaimed as she approached the young female watching as a couple of males sprint

out of the pack house.

“I couldn’t fall asleep. I had been waiting for the Alpha to return, but he never did, so I came down to check on him. But what exactly is going on?”

“Vampires have been spotted close to our territory. An alert has been issued to the entire pack. As soon as they learnt about

vampires Kaiden, Taylor, and the Alphas set out to investigate. We woke up with our mates. Because you were so weary, we didn’t want to

wake you up.”

Kiara was taken by surprise when she learned about the vampires. Fortunately, Ardara Moon pack had never been attacked by a vampire, nor had she ever encountered one. There was quite a commotion in the pack as the situation was quite serious. The Beta and Gamma females had been awaiting the return of their mates. They didn’t appear frightened, but rather certain of their safe return. It gave an excellent and demonstrated impression that even though vampires were a threat the pack members were prepared to face them at any time. Lena had wanted to go with Tyler, but she had stayed at the pack house in case Jennifer had needed her.

stupid to suggest that anyone go back to sleep as the unexpected news had snatched everyone’s sleep until the problem had been resolved. Kiara glanced at her watch, finding that it was already 2 a.m.

“Is this Sirius Bright Pack’s first vampire attack?” Kiara sat on the sofa across from the two ranked females.

“There were numerous vampire strikes on the pack before, but that was when we didn’t have a covenant with the Vampire King,”

Jennifer began to explain.

“Wait a second! Do you mean the Vampire King Alfred?”

“Yes,” the Beta female answered, observing her Luna’s shocked look, which made her smile a little. The young female had no comprehension of the might and strength of the Sirius Bright Pack and the twin Alphas.

“Both the Alphas formed a peace agreement with the Vampire King two years ago to cease their hostility and alienation as the slaughter was unmanageable and neither of the groups wanted to lose their men in battle. However, it continued after the signing. There have been no vampire attacks in the last two years, but no one knows why the rules are being ignored on their end,” Kiara paid close

attention to everything Jennifer explained to her.

She couldn’t believe it when she heard that the Sirius Bright Pack had reached an agreement with the vampires. It was not in every Pack’s best interests to compete with them. Vampires were known for annihilating small packs, like the Ardara Moon Pack, in a single

night. Despite the peace treaty, a sighting of some near the border was cause for concern.

“Jennifer,” Kiara was curious about the vampire and pack’s relationship but then she noticed Jennifer and Lena had been

mind-linking with someone. As a result, she waited patiently.

“The problem is solved,” Lena was the first to speak to Kiara, which gave her some relief. Vampires were really bad news!

“The Alpha has handled the situation and the security of the pack. They all are returning now,” Jennifer informed her with a smile as

they rose from their seats.

“Finally, I’ll be able to sleep peacefully,” Lena yawned. Jennifer giggled and agreed with her as all the ladies went back to their rooms

as their mates were on their way.

Kiara returned to her room but continued to stare at the door like she had earlier. Was the problem truly resolved? They were vampires! She leaned back and sighed deeply. Well, she shouldn’t think about the other issues when the time that had been allotted to her by the Alpha was going to expire soon. He planned to mark her.

“Excellent work, boys. Everyone should now get some sleep. We can discuss it when we wake up,” Xavier dismissed the wolves who had assisted him in his investigation. Everyone went back to their homes.


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