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Alpha’s Surrogate by Pooja novel Chapter 51

Alpha’s Surrogate Chapter 51

51. The Luna is pregnant!

The number of rumors and whispers among the members of the Sirius Bright Pack grew, but they were all favorable. The younger Alpha and his Luna had safelý returned to the pack, which had brought a huge sigh of relief and a bright grin on everyone’s faces. Word of the assault that had transpired to Kiara on the vampire’s territory had traveled across the pack like wildfire, and everyone was anxiously anticipating her safe return.

“The Alpha and Luna have arrived!” Using her hawk-like eyes, Lena had noticed the two of them and yelled loudly. Drawing everyone’s attention to Xavier and Kiara, who had only just come inside the entrance of the pack house. At the same time, she ran inside to call for the Beta female.

“Kiara!” Adira quickly placed the flower vase she had been holding aside and hurried over to her sister, pulling her into a tight hug. Earlier that morning, Adira and Zander had returned to the pack. The second in command, who had been in charge of the pack in the absence of the Alphas, had greeted Zander with a big bear hug. He hadn’t met him as his Beta, he had greeted him as a buddy who had been afraid of losing his best friend. When Gamma Tyler met the younger Alpha, he had been in the same boat. Fortunately, the elder Stephen had been kept in the dark concerning anything to do with their disappearance.

Every member of the pack had been worried about the two of them. They hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before as they kept searching for them until they had received a mind-link from the Alpha telling them to go home, that they would be there soon. They had been relieved to see Zander and Adira return safely, and they were pleased to learn that the Luna had accepted their Alpha wholeheartedly and bestowed her trust and the mate bond onto him. They were now mated and marked!

Before Zander and Adira had the chance to accept their delight and well wishes, they learned of the attack that the elder Alpha and his mate had suffered while visiting the vampire enclave. The younger twin had called his brother right away, only to discover that they were already on their way back to the pack. Xavier had also told him that they were safe. Adira had been waiting for news of her sister with bated breath.

“Adira, I’m okay. Please don’t worry yourself needlessly. See I am alive,” Pulling away from her sibling, the young she-wolf chuckled, earning an angry glare from Adira. Kiara was fully aware that her sister had been blaming herself for failing to take care of her sibling like she usually did back in the Ardara Moon Pack, but the situation had been beyond her control this time.

“Are you sure you are not hurt? I mean I heard…”

“I swear I’m alright,” Kiara assured her, placing her hand on her shoulder.

“What about you, though? I heard the pack had been attacked…” The young Luna was at lost words when she noticed her older sister’s neck.

“Oh, Goddess! I can’t believe it!!” Kiara covered her mouth with both of her hands. Her chocolatey eyes widened in surprise as she observed her sister’s flushed cheeks. It was enough to convince her that what she was seeing wasn’t a trick of the mind. Adira who had decided to never fall in love or find her mate, was now mated and marked by her mate?

“You accepted Alpha Zander!!” Kiara placed her hand on her arms, shaking her a little.

“Yes, I did,” Adira confessed with a giggle, feeling a little embarrassed. She knew she was going to get this kind of reaction from her.

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!!”

“I am so happy for you, Adira!!” Kiara screamed with excitement while holding her sister as the two ladies jumped around like crazy in place before realizing their mates had been watching their craziness from the start, and had heard everything as well.

Both of the twins had blinked as they observed various expressions cross both the she-wolves’ faces, which were so cute that they both chuckled at their mates at the same time. Kiara swallowed her saliva while she searched the room for Xavier. She assumed that he’d gone with his brother, but he’d been watching her like a weirdo, and what was that devilish grin? Was he making a joke about her? She just happened to act differently when she was with Adira.

Tearing their gazes away from ladies, the twins continued to offer each other a hearty embrace while acting causally, which both Lunas noticed right away.

“How are you brother? I heard there was an attack in the Pack.”

“Don’t worry, it was taken care of in a matter of hours. It was a thrilling night. I also discovered that there is a huge river beneath the cliff. It is ours since it lies inside our territory,” Zander informed him casually as if it were no big deal.

“Yes, I suppose you are right. It is now ours. Well, Congratulations. You’ve claimed your mate. Invite Kaiden and Tyler over for a drinking party would be a good idea. Now it’s your turn to tell those two curious males about your fantastic night. I remember how all of you had made my ears bleed last time with all of your questions,” Xavier teased.

“Yeah, about the vampires…” Zander was about to change the subject and ask Xavier about other things before both of the Alphas noticed Adira and Kiara had been watching them with irritated looks.

“What?” It was as if they were being pelted with poisoned daggers by their mates Xavier and Zander exchanged puzzled looks.

How could these two men go from nonchalantly discussing the cliff, the river, vampires, mating, and marking?! They had exhibited zero emotional response to any of it, as if all of it were a common occurrence. Why would they be talking about mating? Did this imply that Xavier had also told his brother, Beta, and Gamma everything about theirs?

“Perverts!” Both Lunas scowled at their Alphas and marched away, leaving them both perplexed as to what they had done to be labeled perverts.

That was when the Gamma female and the Beta female arrived and both hugged Kiara. She had so many questions, but that was for girl talk and they wanted some privacy, so she put it off until later.

“Come on everyone. I have prepared lunch,” Jennifer informed the ranked males, who had entered the pack house. As all the ladies vanished inside the dining room, the Beta female grabbed Adira’s hand, and Lena took Kaira’s. When the males entered the dining room after chatting a little, every woman was

seated at her assigned chair.

“Brothers!!!” Iris, who had been hiding behind the wall, rushed over to her brothers and gave them a big hug right away.

“Ahhh, do you want to kill us?!” Zander and Xavier yelled as she wrestled with both their necks, like she did every time she saw them.

“I was born to accomplish something that no enemy could!” remarked the green-eyed woman with a grin. Before either of the brothers could get a handle on their sister to teach her a lesson by pulling her hair and squeezing her face harder until she acknowledged defeat. Every woman at the ranked table enjoyed the simple family drama of siblings.

That’s when Kiara spotted an Omega slipping on the floor as a result of the long skirt she was


“Careful!” The young Luna exclaimed, quickly reaching out to grab her hand before the hot food

could slip and burn her.

“Thank you Luna,” replied the woman, lowering her head. However, a faint growl erupted from the Alpha’s chest, who had stretched out to grasp the young she-wolf’s stomach in order to avoid her falling with the Omega.

“Didn’t I ask you not to run and not to shift?” Kiara lowered her gaze to Xavier’s hand on her belly. It was like a shield that had been protecting her since she had fled, but she had failed to see that he had also fled so that he could catch her.

“I am sorry,” The young Luna quickly apologized quietly while looking and feeling guilty. She had not wanted to worry him.

“No need to apologize, just take care. It worries me,” Xavier stated as he drew her closer to him and brushed the stray brown hairs that had fallen in her face.

“Am I missing something?” Xavier and Kiara eyes snapped to the younger Alpha who took a deep breath as he crossed his arms over his chest giving them a doubtful look. Of course, it was not just him but the Beta and Gamma couples, even Iris and Adira had narrowed their eyes at their siblings. They had been quietly watching as they were neglected by the both of them.

“Ummm,” Kiara gave her sister a nervous smile but didn’t say anything. She didn’t know how she was going to tell everyone. She was pretty shy, and she had no idea where to begin.

“Kiara is pregnant. We are going to have a baby,” Xavier announced, as if it were an everyday occurrence. Everyone’s eyes flew wide in surprise but the boys’jaws had dropped when they registered

Xavier’s nonchalant attitude. What f*****g unexpected good news!! The Luna was pregnant!

“Oh my Goddess!” All of the females screamed at the same time. All of Kiara’s friends and sister jumped on her for a big hug filled with squeals of delight, causing the Alpha to move away from her.

“Congratulations!!!” Adira, Jennifer, Iris and Lena said together. “Thank you,” Kiara hugged all of them with a huge smile. She had not been expecting this big of a

reaction from them.

“How long did you intend to keep this hidden from me?” Zander gave his twin a cotd glare. It was tough to look furious in this joyous moment, but the younger Alpha was known for his acting skills.

Tyler sneered, irritated, “Yeah, I’m sure this bastard was trying to get out of attending the party.”

“Yeah,” Kaiden agreed.

“f**k you, jerks! I only learned about it yesterday. Didn’t I tell all of you now?” Xavier snapped, taking his seat.

“Yeah,” all of the men conceded while still glaring at him but it was ignored by Xavier. Everyone took their seats to enjoy their lunch.

“We were planning a celebration for Adira’s Luna ceremony. But seeing as another piece of excellent news has arrived. We’ll be getting a new member in our pack soon, we’ll celebrate that as well,” Kiaden announced.

“A party? When?” Xavier asked, checking on the food.

“The day after tomorrow. It is a full moon,” Jennifer explained to everyone.

“Wow, I was not expecting a party,” Kiara said. She was excited about it. A party for an unborn baby?

“I was also surprised when they told me, but they had decided everything already,” Adira chuckled. The Omega began to serve the table.

“Wow, everything looks so delicious and different. Have you hired a new Omega?” Zander asked Lena, noting each dish.

“Yes, there is something special about today. The only reason cannot be because of our return,” Xavier

pointed out.


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