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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

After moments of impasse, Margaret placed the medicine and cup on the table. When she sat down at the dining table, she looked at the dishes and did not feel like eating them

Soon, Christopher went upstairs and dressed himself, preparing to leave the house

Margaret approached him once again with the medicine and water. Elizabeth told me to give it to you.” 

For no apparent reason, he consumed the medicine and turned away without a word. Margaret assumed the reason he ate the medicine was that he was fed up or that he heard it was from Elizabeth instead of Margaret

Taking in a deep breath, she stood rooted to the spot as she held the empty cup and watched him walk away. At that moment, she felt choked up as if the thick fog outside had entered her lungs

After calming herself down and getting rid of those inexplicable feelings, she no longer had the mood to eat breakfast. Hence, she headed straight to work

The moment she sat down at her desk, the new supervisor, Leila Black, walked over. Mr. Flemmington is looking for you.” 

Casper had transferred Leila over from the headquarters. Her short hair, high heels, and formal office attire caused ones first impression of her to be an independent and capable woman. It was difficult for one to loathe her from how impeccable she was

Margaret nodded and walked over to Casper‘s office, knocking. However, the sound 

of loud coughing inside the office almost overpowered the knocks on the door

When she entered the office, Casper was sneezing into a tissue. Stop right there! Don‘t come any closer. I have the flu, and if you fall sick, Christopher is going to have my head. Oh, right. Im sure you know our company has cooperated several times with Christophers, and Ive recently taken up a new project from them. Ill put you in charge of it since both of you know each other. Although its quite a difficult project to tackle, I‘m sure itll be easier because of your relationship with him. The contract is on my table. You can go and take a look.” 

When Margaret reached out to grab the contract, she laughed upon seeing the medicines on his table. It looks like everyone is quite concerned about you.” 

Casper sneezed a couple more times, and tears almost streamed down his cheeks by how hard he sneezed. They looked so excited seeing me sick and rushed to send me medicine. I dont have much choice. I can‘t finish all of them, so you should take some. Its flu season again, so take care.” 

Margaret did not take any, for she knew she would catch Christophers flu sooner or later. You can keep it. Ill take my leave now.” 

When she turned around, she almost ran into someone, so she quickly moved to the side

The person who entered was Steven, who was wearing thick layers of clothes. When he saw her, he patted his chest. Whoa, Christophers wife! You scared me! So youre really working under Casper?” 

Margaret wanted to lecture him not to walk so fast, for it would hurt for a short person to run into someone so tall. However, she swallowed her words. You can just call me Margaret. I‘ll head back to work now, so you guys go ahead.” 


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