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An Impossible Marriage novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 

At the same time, Margaret had also seen the news. Upon seeing the factory involved in the incident, her heart sank. Isnt that the factory Jodies familyowned

Immediately, she dialed Jodies number but was unable to get through. Immediately, she knew it was Jodies way of not letting her worry. She was not the type to ask her for help

When Margaret was wondering if she should go and look for Jodie, she received a call from an unknown number. Hello. Is this Margaret? Im Jack. Do you have time for us to meet up?” 

It was the first time Jack contacted her, and Margaret knew the only way to get updates about Jodie was through him. Thus, she quickly replied, Yes! Where are you right now?” 

Jack answered, Im outside your company, in a white Cadillac.” 

Without bothering to ask for a leave, Margaret rushed downstairs

After getting into Jack‘s car, she asked, Wheres Jo? Whats happening right now? I cant reach her.” 

Jack explained while lighting a cigarette, She turned off her phone as she doesnt want to trouble you. However, youre the only one that can help. You should have known what happened through the news. The raw materials already cost up to one hundred million, not including the liquidated damages they need to pay. If this goes on, her family is going to go bankrupt. I know its selfish for me to ask you for help. However, I dont have a choice. The key to solving this problem is Christopher, after 


Margaret hesitated. Its such a large sum of money, though. Will Christopher agree if I beg him? Although the money is nothing much to the Lewis family, theyre not obligated to help when Jodies family is the one in the wrong

What should I do?she asked

Jack paused before answering, Theres no way Christopher would waive such a large sum of money. Could you ask him to wait until the police solve the case? Its fine if the collaboration is called off. As for the liquidated damages... just try your best.” 

Margaret sighed. I understand. Ill talk to Christopher about this. Please take good 

care of Margaret.” 

Jack shot her a smile. Dont worry. Shes very important to me and is the only woman I would love for my entire life. Thank you for agreeing to this. However, please dont tell her I came to look for you. She doesnt allow it.” 

When Margaret saw how earnest he was, her impression of him improved. At least from this incident, she could tell he was not that bad. As long as he treated Jodie well, she would regard him as a nice person

After work, Margaret came back home and spent a couple of hours cooking up various dishes

Although she disliked buttering people up, she did not have a choice

However, Christopher did not come home after past seven. She decided to call him, fearing he would not eat dinner at home

The call was quickly picked up. Calming herself down, she asked, Are you coming home for dinner?” 


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