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An Understated Dominance (Maria Vittori) novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6
“You useless thing!” Natasha was livid. She grabbed Dr. Jansen by the collar and yelled, “I told you not to remove the needles! Now that the worst has happened, this is all you have to say?” 

“No, this has got nothing to do with me!” Dr. Jansen shook his head fervently. “It must be that other healer. His needles must have caused this to happen!” 

Natasha slapped him. 

“Stop pushing the blame on others, you bastard! I’m warning you now if anything happens to my grandfather, I’ll kill you!” 

At those words, Dr. Jansen paled. The Harmon family was powerful enough to get rid of him without anyone knowing. 

“What’s going on?” 

At that moment, Dustin entered. When he saw Andrew’s state, he frowned. 

“Didn’t I tell you not to remove the needles?” he asked with displeasure. “Why didn’t you listen to me?” 

“Mr. Rhys, just now…” 

Before Natasha could explain, Dr. Jansen shot forward and grabbed Dustin by the collar. 

“So it’s you who placed the needles?” he shouted. “It’s your stupid needling that caused Old Mr. Harmon to go into critical condition! You’re responsible for this!” 

Dustin was a convenient scapegoat that he could use to avoid the blame. 

“Am I right to presume that you were the one who removed the needles, then?” Dustin raised an eyebrow. 

“So what if it’s me?” 

“Nothing much. I’m just a little curious. How did you become a doctor when you’re so unskilled and irresponsible?” 


“Shut up!” 

Natasha pushed Dr. Jansen away, then pulled Dustin over to the bed. 

“Mr. Rhys, we have no time to lose. Please save my grandfather!” 

“Ms. Harmon, he’s just a conman! He won’t be able to do anything for your grandfather. Don’t be scammed!” Dr. Jansen said angrily. 

“If you think he can’t do anything, then why don’t you do something?” Natasha glared at him. 


Dr. Jansen was rendered speechless. If he could save Andrew, he would’ve done so earlier instead of standing around. 

Just as Dustin was about to begin his treatment, Dr. Jansen said suddenly, “A word of warning, young man. Old Mr. Harmon is a man of influence. If you fail, you’ll have a lot to answer for.” 

“If that’s so, then I’m not treating him. You guys can deal with it yourself.” 

Dustin had no wish to continue arguing with them. He turned and made to leave. 

“You f*cking bastard! Shut your craphole!” 


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