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Anamika- The broken beauty novel Chapter 15

Authors pov

Anamika came back home by 8 in the morning, Mr. Harding brought her back.

Before she goes inside Mr. Harding called her from behind, She stopped and turned to him.

"Miss. Sahay, actually me and brown needs a day off today... We are going out..."

He asked her in his strong voice, it was strong but gentle.

Mr. Harding and Mr. brown were the most trusted man of Anamika, they had protected her many times. They respect and admire her just like Mr. Scott does. They know their boss is a good woman and she has worked hard to became like this.

Anamika respects them too, she has never shouted at them ever. She likes to make sure that they are comfortable enough while they are doing night duties or if they are eating properly or not. She knows how to treat her employees, specially those who are doing important work. She learned that from her grandmother.

Mr. Harding and Mr. Brown were dating from last 2 years, and Anamika knows about it.

'They are working so hard for me day and night, they need time for themselves too...' she thought to herself.

"Okay, Mr. Harding... It's Sunday anyway, I am not going anywhere... You can enjoy yourself..."

She said while giving him a small smile.

He smiled back at her and said in assuring tone.

"Thank you Miss. Sahay, and please call us if something happens, we are just a call away, we will be there in no time..."

"Okay Mr. Harding I will And you don't have to thank me... You guys are working so hard for me. It's my responsibility too, to make sure you are comfortable enough..."

She said in her gentle voice.

He smiled at her and left.

It was Sunday, she did her morning routine, she wore denim shorts and white tank top with white comfortable sneakers and tied her hair in a low bun with a hairstick and ate her breakfast.

It was still 10 in the morning and she had nothing to do so she went to her music room.

She kept all her musical instruments in that room. Whenever she feels like singing or play something, she used that room. The room was filled with various type of music instruments like guitar, piano, flutes, veena and sitaar.

She loved Indian classical music from childhood, so her grandmother hired best teachers to groom her.

She picked up her favourite wooden flute and sat on the chair near the window and started playing.

She was playing it so gracefully, it was so peaceful that it felt like heaven. It was one of her way to shut down this cruel world and hide in this heavenly musical world. Her face was looking like an angel under the morning sunlight, her loose strands of hair was swaying with air which was coming from the open window.

She was so lost in her own world that she didn't realise that someone was watching her each and every move carefully with adoration.

'she is so graceful, how can someone be so perfect'

he thought...

Massimo has hired some secret spies in front of her house to tell him whether she is in the house or going out and for her security too, obviously.

He even bribed her watchman.

When he entered the house, he was admiring it totally impressed by the interior and her sense of choice. It was a beautiful house.

He heard a flute playing so he followed the direction curiously. When he saw the person who was playing it, he was in awe... She was looking so beautiful like that, lost in her own world. It was an amazing sight to watch. He didn't wanted to disturb her so he leaned against the door frame and watched her playing. His lips were curved into a beautiful smile. He was smiling after so many days just because of her, she sounded so divine.

When she finished, she kept the flute back in it's place carefully and as soon as she turned around, a gasp escaped from her mouth and her heart skipped a beat. He was standing there, leaning against the door frame with both hands in his pocket, watching her with a small smile.

"What the he..e.....?"

Before she could complete her sentence, he threw her on his shoulder. She was struggling and hitting his back with her delicate hands but it was of no use. Her hits were like a gentle massage to him. He brought her out of her house and threw her in the passenger seat while he sat in the driver seat and locked the door before she could compose herself. She was trying to unlock the door but it was of no use now.

"What the hell is this, open the door, let me go..."

She was angry and scared too.

She looked at him with narrowed eye's, fear was clearly visible in them.

He ignored her and started driving. Anamika panicked as she dropped her phone in the house too. She tried to pull the handbrake but he quickly grabbed her hand in his tight grip.

His hold on the steering wheel tightened and he tried his best not to scold her.

She protested the whole ride, but he didn't utter a word. He was dangerously calm but his popping veins and tight grip on the steering wheel was telling otherwise.

Massimo pulled over in front of his house, it was not a simple house, it looked like a castle.

Anamika had a beautiful big house too but it's nothing compared to his, it was more bigger and beautiful.

He got out of the car and opened her door. Before she could protest he once again threw her on his shoulder, her hairstick slipped from her hair due to the sudden jerk and set her long hair free. He took her in his bedroom and gently threw her on his big king sized bed making her bounce a little.

He was looking at her like an angry wolf. His popping veins were clearly visible from his folded sleeves and his jaw was clenched indicating how angry he is right now. He was looking so dominating and scary that she looked like a small scared puppy in front of him.

Anamika was lying on the bed on her elbows, her long hair was sprawled on the bed, her eyes were looking at him with scared and confused emotions.

He dragged a chair from the corner and sat in front of her with his elbows on his knees and thumbs on chin. His eyes were on her, he looked at her scared form and released a big sigh.

"So, let's start... Shall we Miss Sahay... Tell me where were you yesterday when I clearly told you that you are coming with me..."

He asked in his calm but scary tone.

she visibly gulped but tried to act brave...

"I am not liable to answer any of your questions Mr. Marino. I am not your slave and I am not going anywhere with you. Do whatever you want, I don't care. You can't just order me around and expect me to do things, because I won't... Now let me go..."

She demanded and he chuckled at her.

"You can't leave from here, not until you answer my every question and I will do whatever I want baby, you don't have to worry about it..."

He said in his dark and scary voice and she raised her eyebrows while sitting on the bed in indian style.

He continued...

"What's your problem, why don't you just give in and accept the fact that you are mine... I know you want me too, I can clearly see that in your eyes... Then what's stopping you..."

He asked in frustration.

"I don't want you, I don't trust anyone, I don't believe in love, I don't need anyone in my life. I want to stay alone so please leave me alone Mr. marino and find someone else to toy with..."

She said while gritting her teeth.

He released a defeated sigh and said...

"I don't know about love and trust Anamika, I don't do that either. The only thing I know is, I want you and I know you do too. So stop lying because you are terrible at it. Your beautiful eyes are telling me everything and it's Massimo for you, don't call me Mr. Marino.."

" You are wrong, I don't want you, Mr Marino..."

She said bravely looking straight into his predator eyes.


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