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Anamika- The broken beauty novel Chapter 33


"No fucking way..."

Massimo glared at Anamika.

"Yes, and you can't stop me, mister..."

Anamika replied glaring at him like a stubborn child.

He chuckled darkly at her and said challenging her.

"Do it, I dare you..."

"I am doing it, watch me..."

She said challenging him back.

She started walking towards her bike which was standing proudly in front of her house shining under the sunlight. Massimo grabbed her by her waist in a tight grip and she started to struggle.

"You can't fucking win against me, there is no way I am letting you ride this stupid bike..."

He tightened his grip on her.

She stopped struggling and cocked her head towards him.

"But I know how to ride a bike... This is not the first time.. It's safe..."

She argued.

"No, it's dangerous, you can't. This fucking stupid bike is not safe... I swear tigress stop arguing otherwise you are getting punished... And about safety, you wait..."

He called Mr. Brown outside.

"How many times did she fell from this bike Mr. Brown..."

He asked firmly still holding her in a tight grip.

She pleaded Mr. Brown with her eyes not to say anything but it went in vain.

"Two times..."

Mr. Brown told him, he himself requested anamika to let him ride her but sometimes she becomes so stubborn that she doesn't listened to anyone.

"See, this is your so called safety..."

He mocked her.

"Yeah... because the road was slippery, it was not my fault... And I got only few scratches here and there, nothing serious..."

She whined like a child.

"Please Massimo let me do it, please..."

She gave him her puppy eyes hoping that it will work like last time.

He sighed in defeat and let her go from his tight hold. She grinned at him thinking that he agreed but she was wrong, totally wrong...

He strode towards her bike and before she could react he punctured both the tires.

Her mouth hung opened and she screamed at him.

"Fuck, Massimo... What did you do...you hurt my baby..."

She said caressing her black bike and he rolled his eyes at her causing Mr. Brown to laugh at her silently. He never saw Anamika behaving this carefree and happy, he always wondered why this young girl always stayed in solitude but now he was happy seeing her like this.

Anamika was fuming in anger by looking at her favourite bikes condition.

"Stop laughing Mr. Brown you are my bodyguard, you were suppose to stop him..."

She turned towards Massimo angrily, glaring at him and his smirking face was provoking her more.

"You evil man, how dare you hurt my baby... I'll kill you, you just wait..."

She strode towards him and started hitting his chest with her small fists.

While he stood there like a big strong wall, he didn't even flinch once at her delicate punches.

Massimo's smirk deepened and he threw her on his shoulder walking towards his car, she screamed and started struggling. He slapped her ass hard making her hiss in pain.

"Leave me you stupid evil man, I swear I am going to puncture your favourite cars tire too, you just wait and watch..."

He chuckled at her and slapped her ass again making her whine.

Placing her in the back seat he sat beside her.

She fixed her top and sat there angrily. She was looking like a cute little red tomato.

He shook his head while chuckling and placed her on his lap like she weighed nothing. She turned her head away not wanting to look at his arrogant face.

He gripped her jaw and made her look at him, turning her lips into a pout.

"Throw all the tantrums you want tigress but your safety comes first and I have just punctured tires today, I will break the whole damn bike next time if I saw you riding it, understood...."

He said strictly.

She glared at him.

"I will... Do whatever you want..."

He smirked at her stubbornness and kissed her hard, biting and sucking on her lips. He spared her lips when she was out of breath, her lips were swollen and it gave him satisfaction.

"You are a monster..."

She said whining like a child making him laugh.

"You have no idea what kind of a monster I am tigress... But forget all this, I have to tell you something important..."

He said seriously grabbing her attention.

"What important thing..?"

She slid her fingers in his soft hair gently caressing it, listening to him carefully.

He snaked his hands around her waist pulling her even more close if it's even possible.

"We are going to meet my parents tomorrow...I want you to meet them...."

He declared and she tensed in his hold.

"What, your parents, omg Massimo... How can I... I don't know what to do... What if they don't like me..."

She started blabbering nervously.

"Calm down, baby... You don't have to do anything... They will love you, trust me... Specially my mother... You don't have to worry about it, people fall in love with you just by your mere sight you don't have to make any effort..."

He said playfully trying to ease her nervousness.

She huffed thinking 'panicking won't do anything'.

"Okay, fine... But I am still nervous..."

"Don't be, I'll be with you... I'll pick you up tomorrow in the evening okay?..."

He pecked her and she nodded.

He smiled.

"I love you..."

She blushed.

"I love you too..."

And their tongues started dancing with each other again.


Massimo was sitting in front of his family like a king. He only showed his lovey dovey side in front of Anamika. His family also thinks of him as rude and strict mafia boss. No one ever dares to raise their voice in front him except his mother.

But today they were looking at him like they have seen a ghost.

"Massimo my child, I think you have a fever, darling why don't you call our family doctor..."

His mother said to his father while checking Massimo's forehead.

And his cousins agreed nodding in approval.

"Maa, I am perfectly fine..."

He replied irritatingly.

"Then why are you saying that you are in love... You and love is like east and west..."

His cousin said playfully trying to tease him.

"Shut up..."

Massimo glared at him making him shut his mouth.

"Maa, trust me, she is the best... I love her and you will love her too I am hundred percent sure..."

He said looking at his mother assuring her, who was looking at him in disbelief.

"Really, then bring her home... Atleast let me see who stole your heart... I am so happy for you son, finally you found love..."

She smiled and everyone hummed in agreement.

"I don't think so, I am telling you that anamika is perfect for you... I don't think your choice is better than mine..."

His father said shaking his head disappointingly.

"Who is this Anamika, darling..."

His mother asked his father curiously as she never saw her husband talking about someone with this much adoration.

"I met her at a business meeting one day, she is amazing and beautiful too, I have also asked about her to my business partners, they all said that she is really good at her work and she is only focused on her business. They have never heard any scandals or affairs about her, she is well mannered too... I chose her for Massimo but he is not ready..."

He grimed and Massimo tried his best not to laugh at him.

"I am sure she must be amazing darling. I have never seen you praising someone like this... But Massimo loves another girl, we can't change it now, atleast let's meet her... I am sure if Massimo picked her then she is special too..."

She said looking at his father but still he was not ready.

"Whatever, invite your girl let's see whose choice is better..."

His father said challenging him and he smirked.


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