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Anamika- The broken beauty novel Chapter 38


Anamika opened the door and Andrew and chang were standing in front of her.


She jumped excitingly and engulfed him in a hug. Chang reluctantly hugged her back.

He casted a shocked look towards Andrew and Andrew did the same but they both went in.

"How are you Andrew?"

She hugged him too.

"We are fine anna, how are you...?"

Andrew asked suspiciously while chang was looking at her confusingly.

They never saw Anamika behaving like this. She was happy and the smile was not leaving her face for a second. Chang never left her alone on her birthday, the last nine years Anamika spend her birthday by locking herself in her room, crying and starving herself the whole day, mourning for her grandmother. So chang never left her alone fearing that she will harm herself. But this Anamika was totally different from the Anamika he knew. He was happy but skeptical at the same time looking at her.

"Yes, I am perfectly fine... Why don't you guys freshen up first. I have made your favourite breakfast, come fast, we'll eat together..."

She smiled and chang frowned.

"Anamika what happened, why are you behaving like this... Are you ok?..."

His voice was full of worry.

"Yes brother, everything is fine, don't worry I am not crying anymore, I am perfectly fine... I have to tell you something... both of you, I have called rose too, she is joining us for breakfast..."

Chang nodded at her hesitatingly.

They all finished their breakfast and now rose, chang and Andrew were looking at Anamika confusingly. None of them had any idea why she is behaving like this. Chang decided to break the silence.

"You wanted to tell us something, Sweetie..."

He asked still with suspicious eyes.

"Ahh... Yes... Actually... It's... I mean... I..."

She stuttered nervously, she was thinking how they will react, they'll probably freak out.

She took a deep breath and said loudly so everyone can hear.

"I want to tell you all, that I am in love..."

She finished in one breath.

Andrew choked on his coffee and rose almost spit her juice coughing... And chang already left to grab his medical kit with concerned face...

He came back and started to check her.

"Did you eat something stupid Anamika, don't tell me you are taking drugs now..."

He took out an injection to take her blood samples.

Anamika's eyes widened at this and she quickly held his hand stopping him.

" Damn, what are you doing... Stop it.... I am not taking drugs, I swear...."

She said hurriedly, shaking her head.

"Then why are you talking shit... Who are you, where is our anna..."

Andrew asked narrowing his eyes at her and rose furiously nodded in agreement.

"Shut up Andrew, stop talking rubbish... Brother listen to me atleast, why are you guys acting like I have gone crazy..."

She whined.

"Okay, speak... What love you are talking about..."

Chang kept his medical kit aside and crossed his arms leaning against the chair.

"Ok, I am in love with this man, his name is Massimo Marino... I love him brother..."

She declared leaving everyone open mouthed.

"Massimo Marino. You mean that famous handsome richy rich businessman, the Italian Greek god... My boss..."

Rose said in disbelief.

"Yes, that's him.."

Anamika confirmed. Chang was still looking at her like he is dreaming.

"Brother trust me, I am serious, I love him and he loves me too... He is really good..."

"How and when...?"

Andrew whispered in a 'i don't believe you' voice.

"We met 9 months ago but it's been 3 months since we are dating... He is a really nice guy, trust me brother you will like him..."

Suddenly chang lifted her up and swirled her in the air.

"You are really in love Sweetie.... Finally, thank god... Who is this guy, salute to him he melted this stoneheart..."

Chang placed her down and gave her his happy smile and she blushed returning the smile.

"Rose pinch me, it's not real, look she is blushing..."

Andrew said and she rolled her eyes at him playfully.

On the other hand rose was fuming in anger, she picked up the knife from breakfast table and said.

"You bitch, you were dating for almost nine months and didn't tell me anything, I'll kill you... You just wait..."

She started walking towards her and Anamika quickly hid behind chang.

"Listen to me rose, actually I was going to tell you, but I wanted to give you surprise... See how surprised you are... you are my best friend, why would I hide it from you... Trust me"

She said using chang as a shield and hoping that it will work on rose.

"Really, surprise...?"

Rose scratched the back of her head like a confused person.

"Yes, surprise..."

Anamika confirmed and chang shook his head in disbelief, he knows Anamika and her games very well.

Rose threw that knife away and said excitingly jumping like kid...

"Yess, anna... I am so happy, you finally fall in love..."

And hugged her.

"Wow rose, you are so smart...."

Andrew said sarcastically and rose thanked him, thinking that he was really complimenting her.

And everyone bursts out laughing...


It was evening...

"Everything is ready, son... I hope she'll like it... And her family is coming too, right?..."

Anjali asked Massimo curiously. She was excited to meet anamika's family.

"Yes maa, they all are coming. She confirmed me about it... And she'll will love it, thank you so much maa for doing all this.."

Massimo looked at the arrangements impressed.

"What thank you, it's my duty I am mother your afterall and she is such a sweet child...

Roberto told me everything about that office scene, she is perfect for you my child. I am so happy that she is your love..."

Massimo nodded in agreement.

Anjali was seeing changes in her son, he stopped smiling after her daughter's death since he loved his babysister like his own daughter and her death was a turning point for him. He thinks it's his fault that he couldn't protect his sister, he became emotionless after that and she got worried about him thinking what if he will spend his whole life like this, alone... But she was happy that her son finally started smiling and laughing.

Finally two broken souls started healing each other.

Anamika's family arrived at Marino's, she was wearing an elegant pink coloured dress which Massimo gifted her for her birthday.

Marino's welcomed everyone and introduced each other.

"You're looking stunning, baby..."

Massimo kissed her forehead making her face turn pink with happiness and everyone looked at them in awe.

They celebrated her birthday, and everyone congratulated her.

Chang was only looking at Anamika since this is the first time he saw her laughing. She was smiling and she looked genuinely happy... Chang never thought that he will be able to see the old Anamika but here she stood in front of him glowing in happiness and he could see love in her eyes and not those emptiness, sadness and hate... It was love for that Massimo...

Tears of happiness gathered in his eyes and Andrew gently rubbed his shoulder.

"She is happy, chang... You don't have to worry about her anymore, she came out of her dark room..."

Chang nodded at him smiling...

"Yeah, she did..."

"Wow, you know how to play piano... Anna.."

Anjali asked her excitingly.

"Yes, maa"

Anamika replied with smile.


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