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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Forever Yours


“You look so beautiful, Anna,” said Lexy, dabbing at her eyes.

“Thank you, Lexy… for everything,” I said and gave her a tight hug.

“Won’t you at least tell me what happens after? I heard Aunty J stressing over the menu for tonight.”

I didn’t know how the ceremony would proceed, and they’d been keeping their mouths sealed.

“Well… we, your loyal subjects, enjoy a night of feasting and drinking and some alone time with our mates…”

I sniggered, surprised that she could be so bold when it came to Carson.

“… while you and bro copulate somewhere else.”

Oh, Goddess…

“I think I’m joining you all in the feasting and drinking, instead.”

“No can do,” she said, shaking her head as she placed a hand on her hip. “Besides, you won’t be able to resist him… or so the elders say.”

My cheeks were fuming. Everyone knew!

“Can I come in?” asked Carson from behind the door.

Lexy answered the door and ushered him in. They looked cute together.

His eyes widened as soon as he saw me. “Wow.”

My lips pulled into a smile to keep the butterflies at bay. This was it – the day we’ve all been waiting for. I never would’ve imagined that my simple path in life would take unexpected turns and lead me to where, to who, I was happiest.

Carson held my hands. “Aiden would be so proud of you right now, Bella.”

I took a deep breath. I wouldn’t have been who I am now without them. They made me strong and taught me to be stronger. They… were watching over me, weren’t they?

Lexy smacked his head, earning both of us a chuckle. “Don’t you dare make her cry! I’m already crying so she won’t have to!”

Carson rubbed the back of his head. “You hit hard,” he mumbled, pouting at her.

In seconds, they were in each other’s faces, making cutesy eyes and low murmurs.


Then, someone slammed the door open. Nobody here knew how to use doors.

“Sorry,” he said, but there was no trace of the word in his smiling face.

“You look gorgeous, Bella,” said Andrix, giving me a hug.

He had a polished wooden black box in his hand. “This was something that belonged to your Mother,” he said, opening it.

I gasped and looked up at him. He took it out of its box and motioned for me to turn around. The jewels felt cold on my skin, and as it hang around my neck, heavy. It was Mother’s – the same necklace I saw in that painting.

“She wore it on her wedding day. They’d be so happy seeing you wear it, Bella,” he said.

My fingers touched the smooth surface of the finely cut diamond at the center and the string of diamonds that lead to it. As the light hit it, numerous colors spotted my skin.

“It’s beautiful.”

I turned and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Thank you.”

“Thank you, little moonshine,” he said, hugging me back.

“Why are you all here? The ceremony’s… woah…Rigel walked in complaining, only to stop when he saw me. “Liam’s going to have a hard time at the ceremony,” he said, chuckling

I blushed. The sweet couple glared at him. Andrix balled his fist.

“Calm down, man,” said Rigel, patting his back.

He opened his arms. “You look beautiful, princess.”

“Thank you, my knight,” I said, hugging him.

“Everyone’s waiting and I find you all here,” said Gale, entering. “You said you’d be quick.”

Andrix smirked. “I can last.”

Goddess, the sex talk never ceased when these two were together. How they could reference a sex thing in every conversation was beyond me. If anything, I was shocked at myself for having understood their banter.

Still, I was really happy for them, all of them. Lexy was head over heels over my best friend and vice versa. Rigel was surprisingly a family man through and through. Gale was livelier than usual. And my Uncle’s eyes always lit up when his mate was around. 1

“Come here, you gorgeous thing,” said Gale, hugging me to him. When he pulled away, Andrix held his hand


My heart was melting. Everyone here had been with me through thick and thin. They’ve been through highs and lows themselves. Now, we found where our happiness lies, and I could just explode into fireworks at how happy I felt.

Today, however, wasn’t for drama. Tonight, was a joyous occasion.

I grinned at all of them. “Let’s get me married!”

I had an arm linked with Uncle Andrix’s. Torches lined the flower showered path towards my husband-to-be. The pack members were all around us, chanting an ancient script that no one understood anymore.

The most refreshing scent calmed me, but not the butterflies as they fluttered around my stomach. My knees felt like jelly and my heart wanted to jump out of its cage. I’d envisioned myself doing this for nights on end, but the wave of emotions that washed over me this moment caught me off guard.

I felt like running away, anxious to face my Alpha. My hand patted the soft fabric of the skirt, my feet kicking then stepping. At the same time, I was excited to see him and start a new chapter of our lives.

As we got closer, his face became slightly visible from the full moon. The river was quiet. He was still.

We reached the end of the path, and Andrix finally let me go.

“I’m truly happy for you, moonshine,” he said before walking away, disappearing into the gathered crowd. Somehow, I knew he’d find Gale.

Turning my gaze to my love, I gave him a smile. A chill ran up from my toe to my spine, making me shiver.

Liam chuckled.

Taking a deep breath, I dipped my foot past the water’s surface.


A hand stretched out from in front of me. “Come.”

Liam’s warm hand was comforting as I shivered from the cold. He guided me in slowly, the water now up to my waist. 1

“You look beautiful,” he murmured, his head resting at the crook of my neck.

I inhaled sharply as he kissed and sucked on his mark. “So fucking gorgeous.”

“Liam… the chanting.”

It was getting louder. It sounded clearer this time, but I still understood nothing.


“I can’t wait to spend my life with you, my love,” he said, kissing the back of my hand as he paced back. “With the Goddess’s blessing.”

Through the dark, I could make out the solid outline of his firm and bulging contour. His irises gleamed a dark red as he kept his gaze fixated on me. Slowly forcing the waters to part for each step, we circled around each other seven times.

My eyes never left his form. His burning gaze made it impossible to look at anything else but him. He demanded my full attention, and it was his.

As the chants continued, faster, almost incomprehensible, we met again right at the center.

Liam’s scent clouded my mind. The water was no longer freezing, the chants seemed far away. It was only him and me.

He raised his right arm, and from his fingers, droplets of water wet the top of my head, cascading down my forehead. Intricate patterns, similar to the Alpha Duel’s death mark ran along the length of his arm to his chest.

I gasped when I saw it.

“It’s different,” he said calmly, pointing to his left side. Upon his left pec was a beautiful moonflower in bloom, in the same inky black color, with vinelike patterns emerging from beneath it, swirling, intertwining, creeping along the length of his left arm.

I raised a hand to touch it, when I noticed that the same patterns were on my arm. “It’s Her mark,” he said.

Liam placed his hands on the neckline of my dress, tugging at the lace.

“What are you doing?” I whispered, heat creeping up my cheeks.

He simply grinned, his tongue licking his lips, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“I want to see it,” he said.

Before I could ask him, I heard a rip as the lace parted. The sleeves were forced off my shoulders, then down to my elbows.

“You ruined my dress,” I whisper-yelled.

“It’s beautiful,” he whispered.

Following his gaze, I looked down to see the same blooming moonflower just above my left breast. The patterns continued to my left arm, up until the tip of my fingers.

Liam tipped my jaw so I would look at him.

“You’re beautiful,” he said softly, sending a shiver up my spine.


His hand found mine under the water, then he raised it above his head. In the same manner he did earlier, the droplets fell from my fingers into his head.


“Alpha,” I whispered.

“Luna,” he replied in his low baritone voice.

My eyes went wide as the droplets rose from our heads, glimmering in a light blue. It circled us overhead, spinning faster and faster around the outline of the full moon. Then, in a wide burst, lightly showered the two of us.

Chapter 75 1

His half-lidded eyes held adoration, sending tiny sparks throughout my skin. I touched his cheek lightly. He leaned in and closed his eyes.

My heart pounded in my chest, my breathing ragged.

I closed my eyes as the lights glowed brighter. I felt it envelope both of us, but it could’ve just been my imagination. My mind was more drawn to the softness of his lips. I moved i n sync with him, and parting my lips, gave him permission to plunge his tongue inside.

Keeping my eyes closed, I leaned in for a quick kiss. “I love you, too, my Alpha.”

Were resting in a cabin up ahead then were heading off to the airport,” he said.


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