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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Whispering Promises

– Liam

I’d been squeezing a stress ball since morning – Gale’s recommendation. As ridiculous a s it looked, it was helping.

“Did you hear back from Helia?” I asked as soon as Lexy entered my office.

“She’ll be here by tomorrow morning,” she replied, dropping on the sofa like a bag of potatoes. “Are you sure you want to me to handle this, bro? We can ask the humans – they’ve more experience and frankly, I’ve only ever delivered one baby.”

We owned hospitals and leaving her in the hands of an expert would maybe lower the risks, but she was a special case.

Her blood, her race – if something hocus pocus happened while a human was around, the safest measure would be to kill that human. It would upset her. Then again, she didn’t have to know. Still…

“I’m leaving you in charge of preparations,” I said firmly. “If something… starts happening, do whatever you have to save her.”

“I want her to make it through this, too, Liam,” she said. “But I can’t guarantee she will.”

There was a short pause after. Helia might be there to assist, but even Lexy’s magic had its limits.

It was said that the first Luna gave birth alone to the first Alpha’s firstborn and thus, only heir. He died in battle while his Luna was in labor. As she felt the bond break, her wolf was also in agony. Stories said this was when the first split happened.

With the pain of losing her mate coinciding with the pain of childbirth, her wolf couldn’t handle the exchange of energy between her and the child and the loss from her soulmate’s death. It killed the child.

As the Luna breathed her last, she begged the Moon Goddess to save her child. The Goddess took pity on her and used her wolf’s remaining energy to breathe life into her son. Both a curse and a gift, Lunas had to battle with their wolf to birth an Alpha’s child.

Some stories said the Luna returned, but who knew what really happened then? Jaymer might but he didn’t even know he really was.

All Lexy and Helia could do with their magic was maintain her physical body. None of us

knew what might happen to her – she was wolf-less. It might be a normal delivery like a human’s and any other normal she-wolf, or something else.

I can’t lose her…

I was the Alpha and yet with her life on the line, I was helpless. And it wasn’t just her. This was my fault – my desire to have an heir. Then again, at some point, she would’ve asked for this. Anna wanted a family with me, and as worried as I was, I couldn’t deny her what I wanted as well.

“We’re ready for her any day… I pray the Goddess grants mercy,” said Lexy, lying on her back.

“I’m going out,” I said, standing.

“Say ‘hi’ to Anna for me,” she called behind me as I closed the door.

I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. By seven, she still hadn’t come down, so I decided to just bring it up to our room.

Anna was lying down on her side with a lot of pillows surrounding her. I walked up to her and stroked her hair, smiling at her peaceful sleeping figure. For many more nights, for many more days, opening the bedroom door or getting up in the morning, she would

always be the first I’d look for.

Her stomach was bigger than the rest of her and I was so proud of her for doing so well. She was going to be a great Mom and I’d beg the Goddess like the first Luna did if I had to.

I couldn’t picture a future without my Anna. She was in every moment in time that I could think of and our pups… they deserved to grow up, with her.

Her eyes fluttered open.

“Hey,” I said softly as I leaned in to kiss her forehead.

She wasn’t as moody as she was before, and I was thankful to the stars that phase was over.

“Hi,” she said sleepily. “We’re hungry.”

I rubbed a hand over her stomach gently. “I made you spaghetti.”

“Thank you.” She smiled sweetly at me. I kissed her slowly before helping her get up.

“Thank you, babe.”

“For what?” she asked, placing her hand on top of mine.

“For this… for us… I’m so happy for all you do for me. Thank you.”

She giggled. “Have you thought of names yet?”

I’m always thinking of names!

“Too many to choose from. Do you have names in mind?”

I helped her get up from bed then held out her robe for her. She was having difficulty doing the simplest things now. I didn’t mind. She’d pamper me, too if it was the other way around.

“I have a few in mind. What do you think of ‘Liam Jr.’?”

“No,” I said firmly with a straight face. “Fuck no.”

“Ha-ha! I’m kidding!”

She laughed as she went to the bathroom to do her business. Sometimes, she needed help with something. Usually, it was someone to hold her hair away from her face as she threw up.

We had a nice dinner after. She still had a healthy appetite which was always a good thing. I made sure she didn’t eat too much, though and that she was getting the proper nutrition the four of them needed. 4

Lexy put me through countless briefings and lectures – she’d kill me if I didn’t look after her right.

As always, I made sure she had her supplements. Then, as she laid on her back, I gently applied natural cocoa butter on her belly before massaging her now swollen feet to get her to relax. My Anna was going through so much.

“Thank you,” she said as I slipped in beside her.

I kissed her forehead then replied, “Anything for you, babe.”


“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” she asked. Her head was resting on my chest, her back and legs and sides supported by pillows. “You’re worrying too much.”

My heart sank.

Your life and theirs are at stake.

“I just… want you and… our pups to be healthy,” I replied, trying to divert the subject.

“We’ll be fine, Liam. Keep worrying like that and your hair will fall out,” she said, giggling.

You’re so adorable.

She suddenly gasped and I was instantly on high alert. Was it happening? Is the bed wet?

A woman’s intuition is scary.


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