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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 77


Chapter 77 Sour Brownies

– Liam

“Babe, I’m sorry. You told me I can have it.”

I ate the last brownie on the fridge and forgot to bake more since I spent the day in the office. For the mean time, I was handling two packs because I didn’t want her to stress herself over pack matters. She was on board with the idea. It gave her more time to read books and nap – she’d been napping at almost after every hour.

When she was in the mood for boring paperwork, she’d join me. I enjoyed her company – things finish faster, and her mood would lighten up at the Black Mist Pack’s reports which were usually on their progress on the numerous programs implemented to help stabilize their position.

I didn’t get yelled at or pushed away for being smelly, even though I just took a shower, o r have to deal with an emotional breakdown.

When she was in a good, I was in a good mood. There was peace in the house. And if she was really in a good mood, we’d make love. Everything was good.

However, today wasn’t a good day for either of us. Anna was unhappy, pissed, and angry a t me over one fucking brownie!

Anna crossed her arms and huffed.

“I never said you could!”

I swear on the Goddess’s name that she was smiling as she said I can have the last brownie. In the future, I’d never eat the last of anything. She’d have to force it on my mouth herself so we wouldn’t have this discussion again.

“I’ll make you some more,” I offered.

It was the only thing I could think of. She wouldn’t eat brownies unless they were baked, by none other than me.

She glared at me. This wasn’t going to work. As my head solved equations, Luca was silent.

Just when I needed him.

We got her pregnant – we should both be responsible for everything that came with it!

“I want it now!” she screamed.

“Babe…,” I said softly, taking her hand.

You’re being unreasonable


She pulled her hand away and stomped out of the kitchen.

“I’ll make you more than last time!” I yelled after her.

She came back, a smile on her face.

“You will?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.

I want to take a nap, too.

“Yes,” I answered, and she squealed then hugged me. At least I didn’t smell now. I hugged her back gently, taking in her scent.

“Can you make me sour brownies?” she asked.

“Babe, -” I started, my mind working out a list of every sour food I could add on a brownie, before adding, “-brownies are made… sweet.”

The change in her expression made me regret my words. Her lips pulled down into a scowl as she narrowed her eyes at me. Her hands fell to her sides, then she bit her lower lip.

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no… not this Anna!

This was the sad and overcritical Anna. She was the most difficult to deal with because her tears were my weakness. SAO Anna made me feel helpless. In the worst case so far of a SAO Anna, I had to hold back from crying too. Her SAOness was contagious and I wasn’t getting immune to it the more she came out. There was only one thing good thing that came out SAO Anna, but it was a rare occurrence. It happened only once.

Her lips quivered then she let out a cry. Tears fell down her cheeks.

“Babe, babe, don’t cry. I’ll make you sour brownies, alright? All the sour brownies you want.”

“No… you don’t want me to eat brownies because it makes me… fa-a-at,” she cried.

Goddess, help me.

I hugged her then kissed the top of her head.

“No, babe. You’re not fat. You’re carrying our baby,” I said softly as I stroked her hair.

She sniffled.

“Ba-by,” she repeated.

It’s working!

“That’s right. You look so beautiful wearing this dress, babe. Look at you – you’re glowing!”


She giggled.

It’s a good sign.

“You’re the most beautiful in the world, babe. I’m so lucky to have you.”

She pursed her lips. “You are?”

“Of course, I am! See, I’m going to make you sour brownies so how about you take a nap and I’ll wake you up when they’re ready.”


“Alright,” she said, yawning. She kissed my cheek then turned around, stretching her arms over her head.

Can’t believe that worked.

As I thought about how to make a brownie – a universally sweet treat since its first creation – taste sweet and sour, I heard Anna squeal in the living room.

“Hey, Liam!” said Andrix, handing Anna a decorated box.

“Sure,” said Andrix after a short pause. “Goodnight, Alpha.”

“Thank you, Car!” she said, hugging him.

“Sometimes I think you got these two pregnant, bro,” said Lexy as Anna hugged her

Rigel, like the rest of them, invited himself in and gave Anna a quick hug. He handed her a fruit basket.

Chapter 77 1

Chapter 77 2


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