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Auctioned By The Ceo novel Chapter 17

Oh, to heck with it. In for a penny in for a pound and all that.

“Actually, yes there is. Could someone purchase some jeans and a plain t-shirt for me when the shops are open, please. Size 14, petite lengths in the jeans.” She threw Logan a glance, somewhat embarrassed at having to say her size in front of him, but the man had explored every inch of her already. He knew full well she wasn’t a stick insect model type, and he seemed to like her body well enough. Sure enough, his gaze grew heated as he ran it slowly over her body, and Hannah ended the phone call rather more breathlessly than when she started it.

“I’ll pay for the clothes of course.”

Logan shook his head.

“Not a chance. The state of your dress is my fault, after all.”

Hannah wanted to argue, but the knock on the door stopped her. Logan strolled across to open it and then stepped aside to let the tired looking bellboy push in the trolley containing a large bucket of ice and several folded hand towels.

“Just leave it there, thank you.” Logan walked over to the chair which held his tuxedo jacket, pulled out his wallet, and handed the youngster a bill.

“For your time.”


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