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Auctioned By The Ceo novel Chapter 2

Her lack of height was another bone of contention, but before she could as much swing around to glare at James, Logan intervened.

“Need I remind you of our rules on sexual harassment, Mr. Herringey? Ms. Watson would be perfectly within her rights to lodge a complaint.”

Hannah barely bit back her gasp of astonishment, while James turned a very unbecoming shade of green.

“I didn’t mean anything, and … well, she has come up with this idea, so what’s a man to think other than—”

"Other than that Hannah made a perfectly valid, and I have to say a unique, proposal in aid of a very good cause." Logan interrupted the other man, and it was beyond gratifying to see James squirm in his seat. Beads of perspiration gathered on his forehead, and he visibly swallowed. Served the little weasel right. Every woman in the

firm knew to stay out of reach of his wandering hands. It was good to know that those days seemed to be over under the new CEO. "That was what you were going to say, right, James?"

The head of finance opened and shut his mouth in a very good impression of a fish out of water, and then settled for a tight nod.

“Yes, of course, sir, but you can’t seriously think this a valid proposal. Such an event would leave us running at huge deficit, and—”

“Enough!” That one word sliced through the air with the force of a whip, and everyone jumped, especially as it was accompanied by Logan’s fist pounding the conference table. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath in, and then addressed Hannah again, as though he hadn’t just scared them all half to death. The rumors about his temper were true then, and that should really kill any attraction she felt to him dead right there. Having grown up with the threat of violence hanging over her and her sister, thanks to her mum’s string of abusive boyfriends, Hannah shied away from any male prone to a temper.


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