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Auctioned By The Ceo novel Chapter 26

Hannah didn’t trust her voice work, so she simply nodded.

“You know, I was dubious about this wedding, but this…” Sarah opened her arms and twirled around the room. “You’re getting married in a castle for flip’s sake. Just like we always dreamed we would, when we were little, you know, when our knights came to rescue us.” Sarah frowned, no doubt remembering why she wanted a knight to rescue her, and Hannah pulled her back into a hug.

“That was a long time ago. And you know, I have to say it, Logan is no knight.” She let her sister go and smirked at her reflection in the full mirror. “And I sure as hell am no damsel in distress.”

“Maybe not, but you’ve got to admit the venue is awesome. Did you tell him it had always been your dream to get married in a castle?” Sarah asked.

Startled at the question, Hannah turned back round to look at her sister.

“No, I assumed he’d asked you. After all, you always had your heads together whispering about wedding plans, or so it seemed.”

Sarah sniggered and tapped her nose. “Never you mind what we were whispering about, but no, I didn’t tell him. This was all Logan’s ide

a. All I did know is that he wanted it to be somewhere different and special.” Sarah pursed her lips, and Hannah could almost see the wheels turning in her sister’s head. Ever since she’d told Sarah about this wedding and the reasons behind it, Sarah had insisted that there must be more to it than that, but then her sister was a hopeless romantic. Hannah, however, was a realist, and while her heart might have leapt in joy when she realized where they were getting married, it was all for show. To make them look real in the eyes of the authorities, that was all this was. Nothing more and nothing less.

“What?” she asked.

“Oh nothing.” Sarah grinned. “I know you keep saying this is all for show yadda, yadda, yadda, but I’ve seen the way he watches you. That man is just about ready to eat you alive with his eyes most of the time, and you…” Again, with the pursed lips, which were starting to irritate the ever-loving heck out her.

“I what? Spit it out, already, I know you’re dying to. And if Logan gives that impression it’s only because he’s horny. We haven’t had sex since we got engaged so … oh what now?” She frowned at Sarah’s knowing smirk.

“I bet that wasn’t your idea, was it? And it sure explains why you’re so ready to bite my head off. How can you even keep your hands off that hunk?”

“Sarah!” Hannah didn’t quite pull off her outraged hiss, if Sarah’s growing amusement was anything to go by, and she knew her own cheeks were flaming. Damn her propensity to blush at the drop of a hat.

“What?” Sarah shrugged one lace covered shoulder and grinned. “Just because I’m engaged doesn’t mean I can’t look and appreciate another man’s fine physique, and your future husband is packing in all the right places. I bet he knows how to use it all, too, right?”

Hannah simply shook her head at her incorrigible sister, and Sarah giggled.

“Seriously, though, think about it. And this whole non-sex thing until you’re married? Really, does he strike you as a man who would willingly forego that for any lengths of time? He wanted this wedding to be special, and there’s only one reason for that, if you ask me.”

Hannah’s heart skipped a beat at the certainty behind her sister’s words, even as the rational side of her brain instantly dismissed that crazy notion.

“No, you’re wrong. Logan doesn’t do love, he made that perfectly clear, which is fine by me. I’m only using him for sex, anyway, or at least I will be once we’re married.”

Sarah burst out laughing, and Hannah followed suit, ‘cause, really that sounded ridiculous when you thought about it.

Once they got their merriment under control, Sarah shook her head.


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