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Baby With The Billionaire novel Chapter 7

I took a glance at Jade as she looks through the window of the car. We hadn't spoken a word since we entered the car but there wasn't an awkward silence. She was listening to the radio and humming to the songs.

She sighs, "What's wrong?"

She turned and look, "Nothing, it's just beautiful here, in this community, it brings back the memories."

"Memories?" I inquired with raised brows. There is so much I don't know about her.

"I grew here until my parents died."

"Your parents were rich?" Wow, the investigator didn't tell me that.

"Yes, we were. But it's not that mind not being rich anymore but I just missed the quietness, the pool, the barbecues, the happiness. The fact that I had my parents with me to share wonderful memories. I grew up here and I had to leave and move in with my uncle when they died. My life changed completely. It's just sad." She looked at me. "I never imagine my brother would turn out like this. He was always drawing his little characters." She laughed. "And then puberty came, girls started to see him and him them. I always thought that life would be different you know." She paused. "I used to think that my life would be well sorted out by now. I never imagine my bother getting in so much trouble, I guess it pays to be handsome."

I laughed. "You're brother has no excused for how he acts. He will learn his lesson. Eventually"

She laughs, "Eventually. So how was it like growing up with your family?"

"It was great, still is. I think that's the way every family is supposed to be. My parents love each other and they let their kids see the value of family and relationships. They were serious when they needed to be. They're great parents, I don't think I'll be twice as good as them."

I don't know how my parents will act when they found out that I intentionally got a woman pregnant without being married to her. My mother would probably have a fit, then calm down. I don't think my father cares too much about the marriage thing. He knows society is not like it was before. Nobody gets married just for a baby these days. If a woman wants a baby and no man she gets a sperm donor if a man wants a baby he gets a surrogate mother.

"You'll be three times as good." I liked her confidence in me.

"Why do you say that?" I questioned.

"Well you know what good parenting feels like and so do i. I don't think you'd want our baby to experience less than what you had yourself."

"True. He's going to be the happiest baby on earth, he'll have everything he wants."

"You're already planning on spoiling him."

"Well, of course. I was spoiled."

"I know, it's written all over you." I was my eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She smiles at me, then said. "You always get what you want. People just fall for your charms right away."

I laughed. "That's true. Do people include you?"

"Well, nope. I haven't fallen for your charms."

"Okay, fair enough. What about the part about always getting what I want?"

From my side, I see her rub her chin as if she was considering. "Nope, someone's gonna turn you down one day and it's gonna hurt."

"That's one day, tonight?"

I stopped the car at the stoplight and waited for her answer. She smiled at me and bite her lips with had my senses going wild. "Depends on what you want."

I returned her smile. "You. I want you. All of you." I rest my free hands on her thighs and moved it up until I was at her panties. I rubbed the area gentle. She moaned and closed her eyes. I continued rubbing in a circular motion until it was time was begin driving again.

She was silent for the first minute."So we're going to straight to your place right.

"Of course, I have no patience. My senses are going crazy just to see you in that red dress, I'm wondering what colour panties are underneath."

"Do wanna know?" She is being a very kinky lady.

"Do you want us to die? Cause that's what would happen. I'd imagine taking off them and end up crashing the car in a pole."

She laughs. "Dramatic much?"

"It's true. You're a very sexy woman. No man can resist you."

"That explains why I was a virgin at twenty-six."

"Don't say that. The men you dated are blind."

"I didn't really date anyone."


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