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Be My Mate novel Chapter 38

Sabrina's POV

"And why would you poison the baby? That was not part of the plan!" Aiden shouts, his voice booming off in his folks house.

I had followed Evan all the way here. With him being human, his senses were not the same and I hid my scent just in case he came in to some company.

The diamond chandelier swinging about from the force of his shout and fists hitting the table. I'm sure the table was broken now.

"That was not your plan but we all agreed it was best. The child is half earthling...he can't be the future leader of this realm! We all know the first born son takes the reigns but Anthony won't father any children, not with his mate anyway so that leaves Sabrina." A familiar voice says to Aiden but I can't look in, I don't want to walk in to a space I'm not sure of.

"That child was going to go back to earth to take over as alpha of some pack you idiots! Sabrina knows how this works.. our first born son is to be ruler not some earthling. I said that child was off limits and you did not listen. I could kill you all under this roof and tell my mate that I killed off the ones involved in the revolution and she will believe me." Aiden says confidently.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. They are on to us and she took my wolf from me." Evan says, walking forward, towards Aiden as he sniffs Evan out.

"Kill him. He's no good for us now." Aiden orders.

"I told her you are the head of the snake. I knew you'd want me dead once word came out that I was made but before I die by your hand or this giant man right here, I wanted you to know that she now suspects you too." Evan says.

I could feel Evan smiling, his voice sounded too jolly for someone about to die but I can imagine he wouldn't want to live without his wolf anyway.

"What did you say?" Aiden asks, anger clear in his voice.

"I said, Sabrina knows about your involvement. She is probably waiting for you back at home now to grill you." Evan says before I smell blood, lots of it.

I hear something hit the floor and take that as a sign to get out of here. I've heard enough to actually know Josey was right.

I leave the house, quickly making it back to mine to process it all. His involvement in the attempted killing of my son. Even if he said they shouldn't touch him, they did and he knew about it, he knew who did it and continued to play dumb with me.

I make it to my room, closing the door and leaning on it before falling to the ground.

My very own mate, killing Percy and almost taking Xander and Max too. Almost taking my son away from me.

Someone knocks on my door but I pay it no mind. I don't have the desire to talk to anyone right now.. I couldn't look anyone in the eye right now without breaking down.

I want to break something, break someone and I want to calm down before dealing with my family. I want to be able to do things my way without their suggestions or even plans.

"Brina, I can hear your heart beating. Please open the door." Josey calls out but I ignore her.

She keeps knocking, annoying me at every bang to the door before I stand up and forcefully open the door, only to pull it out and throw it in the room.

Josey looks at me and at the door on the floor before taking a big gulp.

"I think what I have to say can wait." She says to me and I growl.

"Oh really? Right after knocking relentlessly on the same door over there?" I ask, annoyed.

Chapter 38- Here's The Proof Then... 1

Chapter 38- Here's The Proof Then... 2


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