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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167 

Hunter couldn’t help, but chuckled when he saw how adorable his mate was. Her sleepiness was heavy on her and because of the pregnancy, she became easily sleepy and hungry. 

This Is almost noon. You need to wake up.Hunter kissed her forehead. He stared at ther sleepy face. This was the best sight in the morning. He felt so blessed to be able to wake up next to her

I am sleepy. I don’t want to wake up.Instead of waking up, Lilac was trying to fall asleep again. She snuggled against Hunter and hugged him tightly

At lost for what to do, Hunter whispered to her ear, because there were only two things that currently 

could Intrigue his mate

Don’t you want to eat? I heard the breakfast is delicious here.” 

Hearing that, Lilac pursed her lips. Hunter knew what to say and as if in command her stomach started 

grumbling. Ugh

Of course, Hunter heard that too and started laughing

Are you laughing at your hungry, pregnant woman?lilac narrowed her eyes at him

How could I not? You are very adorable, do you even know that?Hunter pinched her chin and captured her lips. Those plump lips tasted heavenly and Hunter felt like he could devour them for his breakfast

However both of them could hear how Lilac’s stomach started grumbling again, which made both of them couldn’t hold back their laughter

Our baby is hungry.Lilac said with a chuckle

Hm. Our baby is growing up.” 

Somehow, hearing how Hunter said our baby, warmed her heart. She couldn’t believe it that she finally could have family on her own


Chapter 167 


Lilac thought this dream was a farfetch from reality after Aiden betrayal but, Hunter fulfilled her dream 

one by one

I am glad I have you by my side.Lilac kissed his cheek and smiled softly at him

I am so grateful to wake up everyday by your side. I love you, my everything.Hunter didn’t even exaggerated when he called her as his everything, because that was how lilac to him. She was 

everything he needed and wanted

He would be greedy if he asked much more than What he had right now

I thought we are going to eat?Lilac laughed when Hunter pushed her back to the bed, it was clear to see what he was intending to do

Hunter growled. He needed to press down his desire for her. Dang! He didn’t think he was going to get enough of her! And this was insane

Thankfully, in the end Hunter let her go and truly fed her now. The alpha actually bring breakfast to her bed

What are you planning to do now?Lilac asked, munching on her second meat. She heard if you had a good appetite during pregnancy, there was a high chance that the baby was a boy

Although, Hunter didn’t specifically said he wanted a boy, but in this world, it was very important to have a boy for a man, especially someone with Hunter’s status. He needed someone to pass down his lineage, not to mention because he was the only child and currently, the only one in his family

Hunter, you are not planning to conquere this pack, right?Lilac remembered their last conversation A before the attack

Her anxiety grew when she saw Hunter didn’t reply to her question. She put down her cuttleries and turned her head toward her

Promise me that you will not do it.” 

Hunter’s jawy hardened when he heard that and after a while, he gritted out the words. “They fucking hurt you.” 


Chapter 167 


Lilac startled to hear so much hatred in his voice. He had never really cursed right in front of her face and this let her knew that she needed to choose her word carefully because the man before her would 

realy weighed a war for her. She could see it in his eyes

Hunter, you killed your own father in order to stop the war with the werewolf, because you hated it. But. if because of me you started something that you hated, I will never be able to forgive myself.” 

However, the plan already started

I know that in your eyes, I look like I suffered in this pack, but actually not everything were miserable.

still love this pack. This had been my home for years. It will break my heart to see this pack fell into 


Now, the question was, would Hunter be able to destroy something that this woman’s love? The answer 

was very obvious

Finished your meal and I will reconsider it.” 

However, it was very clear to see that Hunter was going to fold for her. He loved her too much to cause 

her any pain even in the slightest


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