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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 

Alpha James couldn’t hold back his anger when he heard what the healer had confirmed. The problem was; he knew who was the mastermind behind this crazy idea and his son was only desperate and had gone along with the plan

However, his option was, whether he outed his mate or his son, and neither option was good. Both options would ruin his reputation as an alpha and as a father.. 

He would definitely have a stern talk with Jasmine after this

You are really horrendous and dare enough to let your son to do such thing to the woman, who has been promised to me. Hunter narrowed his eyes, he didn’t hold back when he cursed alpha James out. It seemed, he had been waiting for this moment and this was the golden opportunity to destroy his reputation and image

More so, Hunter was crazily mad for what could happen to Lilac. He would hold this fact over Aiden’s head and got him into a great trouble, to even dare laying his hand on his woman

That idiot man needed to be taught a lesson to keep his dick inside his pant and stop letting his 

testosterone to control his mind. That piece of shit would be damned in his hand now for his outrageous 


You breached the peace treaty, alpha James!Hunter declared. The lycan will not forgive this humiliation easily!” 

There was an uproar from the other five alphas after his declaration

Breaching peace treaty that they had agreed upon was a great offense, especially when they were in the wrong and it happened because of this one mistake from alpha James

In that case, they didn’t want to be part of the fall out, as they immediately declared themselves to not have any involvement with this mess

Alpha James! You need to punish your son severely for what he had done!” 

That’s very embarrassing!” 

How could Aiden ask for her to be banished yesterday and now he was actually trying to do something. very immoral like this?!” 

Alpha Hunter, please calm yourself down!” 

Don’t take any rush decision, everything can be discussed!” 

All of the alphas immediately jumped to the opportunity to state they were not on alpha James’s side. Though, this reaction was understandable, but the fact they threw him away to be on the lycan’s good side, was still stung 

Alpha Hunter, please calin yourself down first and we can talk about this in the morning, after all, Lilac needs to rest and let the healer checks on her.” 

Let the healer brings her back to her old bedroom, you can see her when she is awake tomorrow.” 

Chapter 40 

We will make sure no one will pull such trick again 

Hunter scoffed when he heard they offer, as if they were very generous to keep Lilac safe. Do you really think I will put her in danger after what you have done.” 

The alpha lycan glared at them all and then carried Lilac within the blanket again, as he walked out of the bedroom, but before that, he beckoned the healer to come with him, since he didn’t bring any real healer when he came here, so he needed this young woman to take care of Lilac when they returned to the 


Alpha James, you need to call Aiden and think of his punishment. How he could do that to Lilac?one of the alphas asked him sternly, after Hunter’s figure had disappeared

The five of them expressed their anger and disappointment for what had transpired

You need to fix this! We can’t afford another war just because your son tried to get another woman pregnant!TM 

Hearing that, alpha James lost it, he attacked alpha Alex for his comment and roared angrily at him. Watch your mouth!” 

Seeing the situation had escalated, the other alphas tried to separate them, while the warriors were on alert

Enough!Alpha Jaz roared and alpha James stopped his violent act, he pushed the other alpha away from him, still seething with rage Alpha James, you better come up with a satisfaction punishment for your son for what he tried to commit, it’s such humiliation for him to force himself to the woman, who had rejected him. Fix this!” 

After saying that, Alpha Jaz left, followed by the other four alphas, which each of them gave him a nasty look

Alpha James was enraged and he was going to deal with his mate now. He marched out of his son’s bedroom with long and hasty steps, he was mad beyond word


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