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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyo Tomare novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

All the people in the lycan pack couldn’t understand what had gotten into the alpha when he clearly was very fond of this woman. He went to the extent of freeing the war prisoners only to get her

He could ask more and those alphas would have obliged, but all he wanted was this woman and nothing more. This was silly and incredulously ridiculous

Yet, there was nothing they could do to make their alpha changed his mind. Especially when he looked very infatuated with this young woman

Probably because she was too exhausted and she was not aware of her 

surroundings, or maybe because Lilac finally could feel a sense of relief and safety after turmoil week, she fell asleep like a baby, her exhaustion finally caught up to her and her b*dy demanded her to make it up to it

Meanwhile, Hunter was having so much fun to watch Lilac was sleeping. She looked very adorable and sweet whenever she was not upset with him, which happened very often recently. 

It took them a few days to arrive in the lycan pack and by that time, Lilac had enough her sleep that could allow her to stay awake during their journey to the lycan pack

What mountain is that?Lilac stared at a magnificent mountain, which the summit couldn’t be seen because it covered by cloud. That mountain is very huge!” 

Lilac had only happened to see a few hills, since their pack was surrounded by flat land

That a Gerrerear mountain.Hunter put down the book he was reading and watched how Lilac frowned her brows

Ge.. what?She couldn’t get the word because it was very strange to her ears

Gerrerear mountain,” Hunter repeated the name of the mountain, but even so, Lilac still couldn’t get it

Huh?She scrunched her nose. What its name very difficult?” 

Only when Hunter was laughing at her confusion, she realized this alpha was messing around with her, which made her pursed her l*ps and stopped asking 

Chapter 49 

Fine. I will never ask you anything.” 

Hunter chuckled because he managed to get on her nerves again, before he answered her properly. That’s Sarasa mountain. That’s the highest mountain in this continent. Haven’t you heard about it?Hunter watched her expression closely

Sarasa mountainLilac repeated the name of the mountain and for some reason, she felt familiar with the name, as if she had heard about it somewhere from someone, but she couldn’t recall the memory

Yes. Haven’t you heard about it?Hunter asked again and Lilac shook her head

No. I have never heard that.She tilted her head, still trying to remember this familiar feeling, but then she easily gave up when she couldn’t find any in her memory

How long we will arrive in your territory?The scenery was very beautiful and Lilac felt like she could go on this trip forever. She didn’t want to arrive in his pack because by that time, she needed to settle down and faced the reality that would be her new life

This area is already part of my territory.” 

Really?Lilac widened her eyes in disbelief

Yes, my territory is around thrice the size of your former pack.Hunter didn’t even hide it when he looked very smug, as he talked about it

You don’t need to be very arrogant about it, you know,Lilac said in annoyed tone, but she couldn’t hide her amazement to see this beautiful scenery and know all of this belonged to the annoying alpha before her eyes

Don’t worry, I will take you often to look around my pack.Hunter smiled genuinely at Lilac this time, but she didn’t look at his direction

For a while, there was silence between them, while Lilac enjoyed the view, Hunter was devouring the sight before his eyes. He loved to see her and the way her eyes twinkled like stars

But then, it was Lilac, who broke the silence, because her curiosity got the best of her

What did you say to Aiden until he looked very shaken up?Lilac shifted her ttention toward Hunter and waited for his response

Chapter 49 

Hunter smirked and gave the answer that was so far from being satisfying. Secret.” 

Lilac scrunched her nose, she hated such answer the most and this was not the first time for Hunter to give her such reply. Don’t you think you hold so many secrets from me?” 

Oh, my sweet Lilac, you don’t have any idea about that.Hunter indeed held back a lot of secrets from her, but he didn’t intend to bring it to his dead. Of course, there would be time, he would let her knew all of those things that he had hidden from her, but right now was not the right moment for that


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