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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40

I opened the door slowly, anxiety crawling in my  stomach. The house is oddly quiet which was  weird.

There should be shouts of anger from dad towards  Arden. Telling him that what he had done was  wrong and uncalled for. But there isn’t. It’s just  silent.

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I shut the door with a soft thud and readjusted the  bag strap. Ryan had just dropped me off a few  seconds ago.

But someone was missing and that was Arden. It  led me to believe that he hadn’t gotten off the  hook this time and he was probably at home.

I looked around the entire school for him with the  help of Blake and a worried Rosalie. But we hadn’t  seen him and could not get in touch since he  wasn’t picking up his phone.

Liam hadn’t been at school today because of  suffering a broken ankle last night so there was no  way he’d know where Arden was.

In Rosalie words ‘the doofus tried to skate but  ended up falling down on his ankle’. I promise to  visit him when I got the chance.

After all he’s like a little brother and it would be  nice to see Roro again and uncle Luke who forbade  me to call him Lukey.

As I walk closer to the kitchen I could hear the  faint sound of metal hitting metal. It’s a very  unpleasant sound and as I near the doorway I  could see mom frantically scraping a pan off of  macaroni and cheese. Her hair is knotted as it falls  over her shoulders.

She looked dazed and worried as she harshly  scraped the pan. It was like she hadn’t notice my  presence.

I chew on my lower lip and walk into the kitchen  until I was opposite to her, a few feet away, only  separated by the kitchen counter.

“Mom.” I say softly watching her tuck a tendril  behind her ear and go back to scraping.

Her green eyes identical to mine are focused at her  task which was from what I could tell make that  pan spotless as possible.

“Mom.” I say more loudly since she hadn’t heard  me the first time. She stops and her head slowly  comes up. Her green eyes dotted with concern as  she stares at me. She looked troubled.

“Oh honey, I didn’t hear when you came in.” She  forces out a laugh but I could see the deep worry  etched on her face.

“Clearly.” I smiled. “Is Arden home?” I question.  And that’s when I understand why she was so  worried because the next thing I know her eyes  are filled with tears.

I drop the bag on the counter and run over to her  side. “What’s wrong mom?” I ask as I pulled her  into my chest and hugged her. It’s ironic since it’s  supposed to be the other way around.

“The principal called me today. Arden got into  another fight.” She sniffles and breaks from our  embrace. She sighs and steps over to the sink to  continue to scrub.

“He got expelled.” She says so lowly that I thought  I heard something else.

When it finally sinks in I feel my face turn white as  a ghost. I’m at a loss for words, not expecting that  kind of news. Sure Arden got suspended multiple  times but I guess this one did it.

“So where’s Arden?” I asked and looked around.

“He’s in his room. The principle suggested that I  should come pick him up, so I did.” She sniffled  again and stopped scraping the pan.

She clutched the edge of the counter in a tight grip  and sucked in some air.

She then turn to me. “Am I a bad mom? Did I fail  him somehow? I-” Her voice cracks at the end.



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