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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41

“Have you asked him yet?” Blake’s raspy voice  flutters through the other end.

I hold the phone to my ear between my shoulder  blades and cheek as I pull up the soft material of  my sweatpants.

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“No I haven’t, he’s busy talking to Arden  downstairs.” I grumbled and let out a tiny squeal  when I almost tumbled.

Righting myself I hold the phone the right way, by  hand. “Arden got expelled. I don’t think dad would  be in the mood to let me train.” I sighed and plop

down on my bed in the position of a starfish and  put Blake on speaker while staring at the high  ceiling.

“Damn, I think principal William was a bit harsh in  expelling Arden. Did your parents talk to him?”  Blake ask in concern.

I nodded then realized he couldn’t exactly see me  unless he was a God who was sent to keep an eye  on me, okay I was getting off topic.

“Yes they did. But for me to answer your question  correctly I need to know which ‘him’ you’re  referring to?” I smile and even though I couldn’t  exactly see him right now, I knew he rolled his  eyes at my question.

“The principal baby.” He chuckle and the sound  went straight down between my legs.

“You know I don’t think I’d get used to you calling  me baby. And to answer your question for the

second time, yes my mom did but with no such  luck.

My dad though will be going there early tomorrow  morning. You know my dad Blake, he always gets  what he wants.” I laugh.

Blake laughs agreeing with me. It was true, dad  knew how to get exactly what he wanted, this is  basically why he was a successful businessman.

“You’d better get used to me calling you baby from  now on because you’d definitely be hearing more  of it. And try to coax your dad into letting you  train, I’m kinda looking forward to it.” His voice  holds mischief and a promise for endless naughty  things that I wouldn’t dare mention out loud.

It makes in between my thighs clench deliciously,  remembering how it felt to have him pleasure me.  I feel myself begin to pool between my legs and I

clench my legs shut. This is what Blake does to  me.

“Where are you?” I question and sit up. My body  felt hot all of a sudden and I wanted Blake, here  and now.

“At the gym.” He responds and I faintly hear the  thudding of a bag being dropped on a surface. I

nodded and picked up my phone and moved him  on speaker. I bring the phone to my ear.

“Okay, I’ll go talk to my dad and try to persuade  him into letting me come. If he says yes I’ll let you  know.” I rushed out and got off the bed.

“Wow you sound anxious to start training  bambina.” He chuckles. Yes I was anxious alright  but not for what he thinks. I laugh and we both  say bye after saying I love you.



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