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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51

The week flew by pretty quickly. And every single day it got  more difficult to keep Blake and I’s relationship a secret at  school.  

It was annoying to not kiss him in the halls how I wanted to and  I knew it bugged him that he couldn’t hold me the way he  wanted. I was this close to saying F*ck it and let everyone know  exactly what was going on between us.  

I groan, dropping on the mat beyond exhausted. My arms and  legs sprawled out like a starfish. The muscles in my stomach  burned and I seriously thought I was dying.  

I had just finished some cardio exercises and let’s just say I  wanted nothing more than a fresh cold shower and my bed. Will  I even be able to get up after this?  

Blake’s face comes above me and I blow a strand of hair away  from my eyes. He stares for a couple of minutes, drinking in my  features before smirking. “I really love when you’re at the  bottom of me, sweating and exhausted-“ 

“From working out.” I cut him off knowing he would say  something inappropriate. His smirk widens.  

“Yeah working out.” He drawled out amused. 

“You know when I said I wanted you to show me how to box. I  didn’t mean to kill me. ” I humphd.  

A dark brow arches and his arms come to rest either side of my  face as his body settles between my legs. I gasp feeling the  length of him swell in between my thighs. The only barrier was  our clothes.  

“This is highly inappropriate for a trainer to do, don’t you  think?” I asked in a calm and collected voice even though I was  itching to get rid of the clothes blocking me from feeling his  naked flesh on my own.  

He grins dipping his head in the crook of my neck. “It is, isn’t it?  But how could I resist when you’re so F*cking alluring looking  like that?” He grunts and bites the tender flesh between my  shoulder and neck.  

I sucked in a sharp breath and found my hands come to tangle  through his soft hair as he circles his hips. The friction has a tiny  moan escaping my lips.  

“What if someone walks in on us like this?” I breathe out, now  too turned on to tell him to stop.  

“The gym is mine around this time remember?” He groans,  nipping the tender flesh of my neck.  

I hissed biting my tongue to stop a loud moan from escaping. I  was still unsure if I’d want things to get heated up here. Not  when at any moment someone could just walk in. 

He feels my unease. He sighs and moves away from my neck to  look at me. “Do you honestly think someone will walk in on us  F*cking?” He questions, half interested in knowing the answer  and the other half, interested in rubbing his harden cock  between my thighs.  

I cringe at his use of words but feel myself pool between my  legs at the way it comes out of his mouth.  

I nod. “There is a possibility.” I turn my head to look at the door.  If someone walks in right now, they’d definitely be walking in  on a show. I turn back to stare at him and see the gears working  in his head.  

He sucks in his lower lip then nods. “Alright. I won’t give into  my desires here.” He grumbles then smirks. “But there is  somewhere I can.” 

I narrow my eyes and gasp when he pushes his harden member  more on my pussy. I was itching to feel him inside of me,  without any barriers.  

“Where?” I asked impatiently.  

“I suppose I could put the gym shower to some use.” The corner  of his lips curl into a smirk.  

“Mmmm.” I moan as my back hit the cold tile of the bathroom  wall. My legs are wrapped securely around Blake’s waist. He 

curses under his breath as he lets the water flow out of the  shower head.  

Water soaks the both of us, including my gym clothes and his  sweatpants. Honestly we were too far gone to care that we were  soaking our clothes.  


His voice deep with desire. I nodded, not finding my voice. I feel  his hand bring my as to his front so I could feel his bulging  member pressing on my as. 


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