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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

I knock on the wooden door and waited patiently for someone  to open up. I sighed looking around the patio. Flowers of  different species littered everywhere accompanied by wooden  chairs.  

The door opens and I turn back around. I smile as aunty Roro  greets me.”Oh Ashley you’re here.” She chirps, pulling me into a  hug.  

I breathed in her floral scent as I hugged her. It’s been such a  long time, okay it was probably two weeks. 

“Yeah I came to check up on Liam.” I say when she pulls away.  

“And I thought you came here to check up on me.” She pouts  playfully before giggling then steps aside to let me in.  

I laugh and step inside. The house smells like vanilla scented  candles.  

“Luke is in the living room watching a show. Your brother is  here also.” She notifies shutting the door behind her.  

Doesn’t surprise me that Arden’s here.  

“What show is uncle Luke watching this time?” I laughed  knowing that aunty Roro had a habit of forcing him to watch  one of her animated movies.  

She smiles sheepishly walking ahead of me. “Well it’s not a  show per say, I’m making him watch the amazing world of  gumball.” She laughed entering the living room.  

I cringe. Poor uncle Luke never knew how to tell his wife no. At  the age aunty Rose was,she sure didn’t give up watching anime.  She even tried to make me watch it but I prefer books.  

Erotica books that Blake has taken a liking to try out the  different positions and scenes it has. Thinking about it has a  blush crawl up my neck. He really meant it when he told me  he’d need the books for future purposes. 

I giggle silently when uncle Luke lets out a yawn only to look  really interested in the cartoon when aunty Roro enters.  

“You didn’t fall asleep this time, I guess this one is good?” Roro  asks, sitting down beside him and placing her legs upon his  thighs.  

He had not noticed my presence as yet, too busy trying to stay  awake. He nods quickly.”Yeah it’s good baby.” He answers  nonchalantly.  

I snorted and walked in further. “Uncle Luke, lying won’t get you  anywhere.” I teased. “Besides you’re half asleep already.” 

He swiftly turns to me, grinning when he sees me. “Ashley what  a pleasant surprise.” He laughs getting up to pull me into a hug.  

“Your hair has gotten longer the last time I saw you kiddo.” He  chuckles pulling away to stare at my inky black strands that I let  loose today.  

I rolled my eyes playfully. “Uncle Luke you saw me two weeks  ago, my hair has not skyrocketed since then.” I laugh at his  exaggeration.  

He shrugs. “Probably. I am an old man, my eyes aren’t the best  anymore.” He laughs.  

“Luke shut up, you’re not that old.” Rose snorted, switching the  channel to something more to uncle Luke’s taste. 

“You’re right baby, I sure can still perform in the bedroom-“ 

Okay that was my cue to leave. They sure acted like newlyweds.  It is know wonder they’re bestfriends with mom and dad.  

“Well I’ll just go check Liam to go. I’m not staying long, I have  homework to get done.” I said already halfway out of the living  room.  

“Be sure to tell us when you’re leaving, I need to give you  something for your mom.” Aunty Rose yells.  

“Sure will!” I answered over my shoulder as I treaded upstairs.  Liam’s room isn’t hard to find since I’ve been here half of my  life.  

I opened the door already expecting him to be there. He’s  laying on the bed, feet kicked up on some pillows as he switches  the channels on the television hanging on the wall before him.  



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