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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54

I settle my bag on the desk and place my elbows on the wooden  surface. My palms supported my chin as I looked at the front.  The teacher wasn’t here yet and neither was Ryan. As usual he  was late.  

The door opens and a dark haired girl enters. Her bag is  securely in her grasp,her head held high as she swiftly walks my 

way. I had never gotten the courage to speak to her since we  never sat close or crossed paths after this cla*s.  

She was the same girl that Ryan knocked into on her first day  here. I am surprised when she sits on the vacant chair beside  me. She huffs, throwing her bag on the desk not so gently.  

“Woah easy there tiger.” I teased. Her head snaps to the source  of the voice, which was me. Widening my eyes and blushing in  embarra*sment, I quickly mumble an apology.  

” Sorry, this isn’t how I wanted to introduce myself.” I mumble  embarrased, straightening my spine. I push my hand towards  her. “I’m Ashley.” I smile tilting my head to the side to examine  her.  

Up this close I could see her face dotted with tiny freckles. Her  cheeks puffy and lashes long enough to have me envy them.  Her brown colored eyes look at me with uncertainty, like how a  deer would react. With caution.  

Finally seeing that I wasn’t a threat she takes my hand in her  slightly larger hand. But then again many people had bigger  hands than I. “I’m Kimberly.” Her voice is surprisingly childlike  unlike her hard exterior.  

We pull away smiling at each other. I then cleared my throat. “I  know it’s two months too late but I would like to sincerely  apologize for my friend knocking into you on your first day.” I  apologize. 

“Ryan can be a bit.” I search my brain for the word to describe  my crazy friend. “Much.” 

Her eyes suddenly turn to anger as if remembering Ryan. “Oh  he’s the guy who didn’t have manners to help a girl up when  he’s the cause of her falling.” She grumbles nodding.  

I smile sheepishly.”Right he’s the one.” 

Her eyes narrow.” He seems to be a self centered A*shole.” She  humpths.  

I know she was angry at him but she had no right to judge him  by that little accident. Ryan was a sweetheart, annoying, but  always had good intentions.  

“He’s an amazing guy, he was just in a rush that particular  morning. You should get to know him before judging.” I  defended.  

“Those two months I have spent in this school, I got to know  your friend Ryan. He’s a boy who sleeps around, thinks he’s the  king of humor oh and is always late.” She says sarcastically. “So  no thank you to getting to know him, I think I’ll pa*s.” 

Seems to me that she had been keeping tabs on him. If so then  she already knew I was his friend. It would hardly go unnoticed,  we were joined at the hip. Not as much as Blake and I but close  enough.  

As soon as she is done speaking the door opens and in walks in  a half tired Ryan. He struts over to me, clearly expecting the 

seat beside mine to be vacant. He always sits beside me but  looks like Kimberly beat him to it.  

He stops in his tracks and blinks as if the image of Kimberly  sitting beside me would suddenly disappear.  



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