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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55

I stumble backwards, my face cringing at the pure hatred in her  red rimmed eyes. Then it diminishes and her eyes down casted  as she sniffles.  

“Just go away.” She mumbles brushing pa*s me and walking  over to the faucet.  

My eyes softened and I sighed. I find myself following her,  watching as she opened the pipe and began to wash her face. I  don’t think it would magically move the redness in her eyes.  

“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask softly. It was but just a  murmur. I highly doubted she heard. But she did because her  head snapped to face me, her eyes narrowing.  

“Why are you still here?” She hisses. Why am I still here?  Honestly I do not know. Maybe I pitied her.  

I forced out a smile. “I’m not a bitch Stacy. I know I’m not your  favorite person right now-“ 

She snorts cutting me off. I sighed.  

“But I do not want us to hold on to that resentment anymore.  We are both old enough to sort out our problems.  

Things don’t have to be nasty between us. We can resolve this  issue.” I finished softly.  

She glares. “What, so you think because you’re now Blake’s  girlfriend you’re now the top shit and everything you say goes? 

Don’t act all innocent Ashley, you’re nothing but a snake.” She  grits out.  

I blanch at her accusation. My brows furrowed. Snake? What did  I do to be called such an animal? “But I’m not-“ 

Her lips curl into a sneer. “Save it! Everyone knows you and  Blake are together. It doesn’t take a genius to see those stealing  glances and disgusting touches. Both of you disgust me. I knew  you were after him all along.” 

I shook my head. “I never meant to come between you two  Stacy. I’m very sorry that things ended bad between you two.  I’m-“ 

Once again I am cut off.  

“Oh boo hoo. Stop with all those insincere apologies. It  wouldn’t matter anyway.” She glares.  

And it is then that I get a glimpse of white, almost hidden in the  pocket of her sweater. It is so unlike her to wear something that  doesn’t show off her skin.  

She notices my line of vision and her eyes grow cold. She  reaches inside the pocket, grasp the small white object and  roughly pushes it to my chest. It falls on the tiled floor with a  clank. 

“Here. Tell Blake for me that he’s going to be a dad.” She spits  and sidesteps me to get out of the bathroom. The door closes  with a bang on her way out.  

I’m standing there, frozen and it felt like I was not getting  enough oxygen in my lungs. Dad. Blake’s going to be a dad. My  mouth parted but nothing came out as I stare at the pregnancy  test on the floor.  

I could clearly see the red plus sign. My throat completely dries.  She’s pregnant. My heart starts thumping in my chest. My  throat tighten as tears welled up in my eyes.  



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