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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 59


Chapter 59

I turn to face him and stumble back when I see that he is closer  than I originally thought. “Blake.” I breathed out staring at his  tired face. 

Dark circles have now made underneath his eyes their home. His  beautiful blue eyes that I love are dimmed from its usual light.  He looked like he had not slept for days.  

“Do you know how hard it was for me to be thinking about you  so damn much and knowing that I couldn’t come to see you?  Why? Because you refused to pick up my calls.” He croaked,  hands in the front pocket of his jeans.  

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked around us. I  noted that we had gained the attention of everyone around us.  “Maybe we should talk about this more privately.” 

He looks around us then nods. I close the locker and was  startled to feel his warm fingers wrap around my wrist.  Electricity hums through his touch and travels through my  entire body.  

I gasp as he leads us to an empty cla*sroom and locks the door.  I cross my arms under my breast in nerves when he turns  around to face me. “Is it private enough for you?” The way he  says it makes me think that I did something bad.  

I furrow my brows. ” Why did you say it like that?” I question in  confusion.  

He leans his back on the door and crosses his arms. “Why did  you want to keep us a secret? Are you ashamed of being with  me?”

His question has me stumbling back in shock. My eyes are wide  as I stare at him. What had brought on this question?  

“I could never be ashamed of you Blake.” I said honestly.  

He raised a brow. “That did not answer my first question. What  is it Ashley, why do you keep running away from this  relationship?” 

I narrow my eyes. “I do not run away from the relationship  Blake. I only kept us a secret because I do not think everyone  was ready to know that we were a couple.” I argued.  

He shakes his head, his jaw ticking in irritation. “You always do  this. Always deny the truth.” 

“Truth! You want to speak about the truth? Then tell me Blake,  did you really sleep with her two weeks after the party?” I hissed  glaring into his eyes.  

He stays quiet for a few seconds. I snorted acting nonchalant  but deep down my heart was aching. I felt like I was on the  brink of a melt down. “Un-F*cking-believable.” I shake my head  looking away from him.  

“Do you really not trust me?” He finally speaks up. He sounds  hurt but I refuse to look at him. “Look at me.” He says firmly. I  do not, instead I bite my lower lip to stop it from trembling.  

“F*cking look at me Ashley!” He roars. 

I flinch at the volume of his tone and look at him.  



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