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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

I crossed my arms under my breast and looked down  embarra*sed. “I don’t know.” I mumble. I was humiliated that  someone saw us this way, especially since there are now  pictures of us in this intimate position.  

If my parents saw this. I sighed, not even able to think about it. 

“I need to bring this to my mom-“ 

I shook my head in mortification and looked at him wide eyed.  Blake are you insane she cant see-” I blushed embarra*sed and  pointed to the photograph clenched in his hand.  

That.” I mumble.  

He raised a brow. We need to find out who is the A*shole who  took this Ley. We cannot just stay quiet and not bring this to the  police!” 

I shift on my feet, my embarra*sment getting worse. Blake we  need to think before we get too hasty.” 

Hasty? Ley whoever did this is a creep and I dont think itll  stop until we do something about it.” He grits out, one hand  clench at his sides while the other clenches the picture in anger.  

I bite my bottom lip and turn away from him. Im not saying we  wont do something about it, Im just saying we should think  things through.” 

I turn to stare at him, noting that his blue eyes had gone a  shade darker because of anger. What if we do go to the police  and theyre not able to catch who this is before they leak the  photos? What then Blake? Id be suffering mortification the rest  of my life. This could be in my permanent record. What if no  colleges accept me? What then Blake?

He must understand how embarra*sing this was for me.  Someone out there saw us having sex, they saw our faces. You  could clearly see my face in the picture, you could see Blakes. 

If this were to circulate around the school then Id be ridiculed  my entire life. No college would want a girl that was seen  getting F*cked in school.  

He looks to be thinking for a few seconds, raking his eyes over  my frame.  

He sighs. Ley, we cant stay quiet about this. We need to find  out who this A*shole is.” 

I nod. And I know, we cant sweep this under the rug, it is  impossible. But lets just see what this person wants. They have  been leaving notes inside my locker for about two months. They  want something I could feel it.” 

He glares at me, jaw ticking in irritation.” Why didnt you tell me  about the notes Ley? Why did you keep this kind of thing from  me?” He grits out.  

A blush coats my cheeks. I thought it was you who were doing  it. I was stupid to not have noticed that it was not your  handwriting.” 

He raises a brow, his form tensed.” What exactly were the notes  about?

I chew my lips. Love notes.” I finally said after contemplating if  to tell him.  

His eyes darken impossibly more as his jaw clenched. When I  find that F*cker Ill skin him alive.” 

My eyes widen at the look of murder on his face. He was  serious. We dont even know if it is a boy.” 

Who else could it be? The person seems to be fascinated by  you Ley. It has to be a boy and I think I know exactly who.” He  hisses putting the picture back into the envelope.  


He instantly has my attention.Who?” 

Peter. And Im going to pay him a little visit today.” His voice is  dark with a promise for blood.  

Peter had not been in school for a few days, something about  having the flu.  

My face turned ashen. I shake my head. We dont know if it is  him Blake, you cant just go at the guys home and beat him up.  Lets just take things slow-“ 

Ley, are you hearing yourself right now? Slow? What, so he  could get another chance to touch you again? Over my dead  body! Ill Fcking take care of this.” He hisses, turns around and  stalks out of the clasroom in anger. 

I sighed and stared at the now closed door. He had gone with  the envelope. I could only hope that he would not show his  mother. That would be embarra*sing.  

The bell rings signaling the end of lunch. My belly rumbles in  hunger. Great, I missed lunch. With a silent curse beneath my  breath I walked out of the cla*sroom.  

I suddenly had the need to pee. So instead of going to my next  cla*s my feet carry me to the bathroom. Its empty and smells of  disinfectant. The janitor probably had come to clean up, judging  by the still wet tiles.  

I grumble as I try my best to not slip on the floor. I was not in  the mood to suffer a broken a*s if that were possible.  

Safely getting in the stall, I locked it and lift up the seat. I push  down my sweatpants and panty, being careful not to throw my  bag on the wet floor.  

I closed my eyes when the urine came out. I hear the bathroom  door open but dont take any attention to it. The footsteps were  getting a bit louder which made me believe whoever it was, was  close.  


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