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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 

Blake stops then shifts his attention to me. He sees how  mad I am, how I glare at him in warning. “Blake.” I  warned, furious that he was the one who told my parents  about that god awful day. 

He didn’t have the right. I was not ready. 

“I can’t keep quiet about this baby. This is a serious issue  that we need to deal with right now. I can deal with your  anger later but right now, we need to find out who’s  been doing this.” He grumbles and tears his eyes away  from me to look at my dad. 

I kept quiet knowing that whatever I tell him now  wouldn’t matter. He was determined to let my parents  know about what transpired between Peter and I. I knew  he had good intentions but I couldn’t help feel anger  that he hadn’t asked me first. 

“It happened sometime about two months ago. Ashley  stayed back to research something in the library. I had  been waiting for her outside, she was taking long in  there.Too long. So I went to look for her, only to hear her  piercing scream.” He breathes out as if remembering the  awful day.

“The scream still haunts me to this day.” 

I stiffen knowing he was about to tell them what I  dreaded. My hands felt cold, blood leaving my face. I  could hear my own heartbeat in my ears, the rythm  uncontrollable. 

The image of Peter pinning me to the desk as his hands  traveled up my thigh comes in my mind. Sweat coated  my palms, they became itchy. Itching to hit something. 

That is when I realized that even though I tried so many  ways to forget that awful day of being helpless, I was still  not completely over it. I tried so hard, boxing, spending  time with Blake, focusing on college. But it didn’t help.  Somehow Peter still had a hold on me. 

His voice is now edgy, on the verge of breaking down. “I  followed her cry for help.” He gulped, his eyes flickering  to me for a tiny second. “When I got there I found the  bastard forcing himself on her.” 

I realize that I wasn’t the only one affected from this  experience. Blake was too and I never noticed it. 

Mom gasp in shock, her teary eyes snapping to me. “Oh  my baby.” She cried leaving dad’s side to come over to  me.

Pulls me in a hug and cries on my shoulder. Why do I  feel so numb? 

I feel my heart squeeze and gulp the lump forming in my  throat. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” She cries  pulling me tighter to her. This is what I avoided. This  pain that we all are feeling at this moment. 

“Mom.” I whispered and let myself go as I hugged her  back. I feel it, the relief as I pour my eyes out and use her  as an anchor. 


“Who is that bastard!” Dad roars. He had stayed silent  when Blake finished talking but now he had absorbed  the words and he was beyond furious. 

“Peter William.” Blake responds, disdain dripping in his  voice as he literally spits out the name like it brought a  bad taste to his mouth. 

“As in Kain William’s son?” Dad questions. “The man who  owns the restaurant downtown?” 

“Yes that’s him alright.” Blake responds. 

It wouldn’t take a genius to know that dad was beyond  enraged. You could literally feel the tension in the air,  crackling like fire on burning wood.

Mom and I pull away, knowing that a storm was brewing.  “Did he have time, you know.” You could hear the fear in  his voice, the anxiety of knowing the answer. 

Blake shakes his head. “Thankfully I had reached in  time.” 

Dad visibly breathes out a sigh of relief. He nods then  walks towards the door, grabbing his car keys on the  way. Everyone is confused until he grips Arden’s wooden  baseball bat that was beside the door. 

“Honey, where are you going?” Mom questions equally  as confused as all of us in the room. 

He doesn’t turn around to answer her, instead he opens  the door. “I’m going to pay Kain and his son a visit.” 

My heart drums in my ears. This was not good. When  angered dad could be very intimidating. This is why boys  usually stayed away from me other than the three boys  breathing down my neck. And that was Blake, Ryan and  Arden. They never let any guy close to me. 


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