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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65 

I glare heatedly at Blake. “You caused this!” I roared  walking up to him and punched him right on the chest.  He staggers back startled, not expecting me to get  physical. 

“You just couldn’t keep your damn mouth shut!” I cried  punching him again but now my hits were getting  sloppy. He didn’t try to stop me. He stayed there peering  down at me as I jammed my tiny fist on his chest. 

You caused this.” I said weakly, sniffling. 

He stops my fist and pulls me to his chest. Hugging me  like my life depended on it. It probably did. His scent  envelopes me as he brushes his hand down my back  soothingly. 

He didn’t speak, just stayed quiet while pressing me to  his chest. I hear him let out a sigh. “I’m sorry Ley.” He  grumbled above my head. I finally come back down to  reality, removing myself from his comfort. 

I peered up at him and glared. “Yes you better be sorry if  my dad does something stupid.” I pull away from him 

completely and turn around to saunter over to his  motorcycle. 

I feel his confusion as I perch myself on the back of his  motorcycle. I turn to him and arch a perfect brow. He  stands there staring at me, gawking at me like I was the  most beautiful woman on the planet. 

As much as the thought had my heart singing in joy, I  knew we needed to kill a lot of birds with one stone  before I could feel comfortable enough to be free with  him again. “Well aren’t you coming?” 

He shakes his head like he had been in a trance.  “Where?” 

“We are going to follow my dad to Peter William’s  house. Hopefully we get there in time.” I mumble the last  part. I notice Blake still hadn’t moved. 

“Well hurry up Blake! If my dad does something stupid,  I’ll never talk to you again.” I hissed impatiently. 

That got him moving because a few seconds after he had  settled in front of me we were off. My hands wrapped  securely around his torso as he sped through the half  empty street.

I feel the blood rush down my face as I stare alarmed as  dad proceeds to the William’s front door. He knocks and  waits patiently while mom runs up to him, unsuccessfully  tugging him away. 

Blake slows down and parks beside the sidewalk. I hop  off the motorcycle swiftly, barely caring that I almost fell  as I run over to my parents. I didn’t care to look back to  see if Blake was following. 

I run up the stairs and help mom tug dad away. “Dad  please don’t do anything stupid.” I pleaded as a fresh  wave of tears built up in my eyes. 

He turn to me, glaring furiously. It has me halting and  gulping at the pure anger in his eyes. “I will not let that  bastard go free. It’s bad enough that I could not have  done something sooner. How do you think I feel that I  heard this from someone else instead of my own  daughter?” 

I shrink back. “I’m sorry daddy-“ 

His eyes narrow. “Were you even going to tell us?”

He takes my silence for my answer and nods in  disappointment. He uses the bat to knock on the  wooden door. It rattles. 

“Kain I know you’re in there! Open the F*cking door and  bring your disappointment of a son with you!” He roars  startling both mom and I. 

“Asher baby, maybe you shouldn’t do that.” Mom  whispered as dad went to knock on the door again with  the bat. I was thankful that it had not pierced the wood  or caused damage. 

I feel Blake’s presence behind me. “I called my mom.  She’s on her way.” He whispers to me. I wanted to feel  relieved but then the door opens and reveals Kain  William’s. 

He glares up at my dad since dad was a few inches taller.  “Grey, you have no business with my son.” 


Dad snorts. “I have no business with your son, you say?  Like how he had no business in trying to force himself on  my daughter?” 

I see Kain pale but he rights his composure. Something  tells me that Kain knew of this encounter more than we  knew. “My son have never seen your daughter before-“

“Bring out your bastard of a son out Kain! Stop F*cking  talking for him. Come on, didn’t he think he was man  enough to force himself on an innocent girl? So why is  he acting like a pussy now?” My dad roared trying to  enter the house. 

Kain blocks his way gulping.” Be on your way Grey or I’ll  call the cops.” Kain William’s warned. 

Dad scowled. “Do you think I give a F*ck? Go ahead and  call them and see who will be the one going to jail-“ 

“Leave my dad out of this.” Peter comes around his dad,  pushing him behind him. 

“So the bastard shows his face.” Dad grinned wickedly.  He turns to face me, well behind me in particular. He  stares at Blake. “Is he the one?” He asked Blake for  confirmation. 

“Yes, he is the one alright. The bastard that tried to force  himself on Ashley.” Blake snaps behind me. 

I had stayed frozen the minute Peter showed his face.  How could I possibly think that I could simply forget  about that day? Seeing his face triggered me. I find  myself stumbling back more into Blake.

He clutches me tightly as if to rea*sure me that I was safe  in his arms. I was safe with him. Dad turns back to stare  at Peter, sneering.” I will make sure you pay for what you  did to my daughter. I will ruin you until you gravel at her  feet for forgiveness-“ 


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