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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 

He groans in pain, his skin already turning a lighter  shade. “Blake? Blake please stay with me.” I cried looking  down at him as I twisted my hands to get free.

The ropes bite into my flesh yet I do not give up. With a  shaky finger he touches his chest and pulls it away to  examine the blood. 

He peers up at me, his face in pain. “I really wished I  could’ve kissed you one last time before I go.” He  gasped out. The blood was pooling around him. 

I shake my head and sobbed louder. “Please.” I begged  watching him grow weaker at the loss of blood. 

” I love you Ashley.” His eyes rolled back behind his head  and he slumped face first on the floor beside me. His  body was so close to my feet yet I felt that we were at a  distance. 

My eyes widen as a loud cry leaves my lips. “Blake!” I  scream looking down at his still body. “Oh God please  please.” I choked out. I can’t lose him. 

“Well that was romantic! Confessing your love before  you die? Priceless.” Shelly cackles walking over to us. I  glared at her, wishing that I could kill her just by staring. 

“Stay away from him.” I roared. The chair shakes as I shift  around.

Her face frowned into mock sympathy. “This must hurt  to see your lover dying at your feet while you can’t do  anything about it. Such life wasted.” She sighs and peers  down at him. 

“And here I was looking forward to playing with him.”  She pouts. 

“Leave him alone Shelly it’s me you’re after.” I snap. 

She looks at me and smirks as she rises to her feet. “Too  bad I won’t see you guys in action like I planned. I really  wanted so badly to snap some more photos to send to  your dear father.” She cackles. 

My stomach drops understanding why she wanted Blake  here. She would’ve forced us to have sex. She had lost  her mind. 

She peers down at Blake her expression changing to  longing. My stomach rolls in unease not liking the way  she looks at him. 

“I was looking forward to getting a piece of that meat  you love so much.” She looks at me and giggles.

“The way he F*cked you like his life depended on it was  hot. I wanted to feel that piece of meat pounding into  me too.” She sighs in longing. 

“It has been so long since I have gotten a good  pounding. I mean he must’ve been good for how he had  you moaning so loudly.” She laughs. 

Bile rose in my throat but I swallowed it back down. This  was a game and I just needed to play my cards right. I  needed to. I have to save Blake. The longer I listen to this  crazy bitch the more he’s dying. I need to quicken. 

So I schooled my features and stared at her with fake  happiness”You can still have that. Untie me and let me  fix Blake up then he’d be ready to show you how good  he can be.” I whispered. I hoped she was crazy enough to  fall for my words. 

God I just needed to know if he was still alive. 

Tears are still rolling down my cheeks as I thought of the  possibility of losing Blake. I would rather die at his side  than not fight to save him. 

“Come on Shelly the longer we wait, the longer you can’t  get what you want.” I try so hard to keep the resentment  from my voice.

She sucks in her bottom lip and has the nerve to look  like she was contemplating. “Do you promise you’ll not  try anything funny?” 

My eyes flicker to the gun and I shake my head. “You’re  the one in charge, remember?” 

She wiggles the gun and smacks her lip. “You’re right,  I’m the one in charge.” She giggles. She really was sick. 

She sighs then walks over to me, she reaches forward  and puts some of my dark tresses behind my ears. “If  you try anything dollface, I’ll make sure I send your body  parts to your parents as a gift.” She laughs and blows a  kiss. 

I refrain from cringing. I just needed to play her game.  Just better. “I won’t try anything Shelly. Just untie me so  I can stop the bleeding so you can have him up and  ready as soon as possible.” I let fake innocence leak from  my voice. 

She nods and bends down to untie the bonds that  restrained my feet. I wanted to kick her in the face and  hope to break all her teeth but I thought better of it. 

She had a gun and she could kill me in an instant before  I even get to Blake.

She stands up and then goes around me. 


“Those ropes are pretty tight huh dollface?” She  questions. I hear her dig into the drawer behind her then  feel the sharp blade of the scissors as it cuts the rope. 

I don’t linger on the feeling of relief when the tight ropes  fall away from my wrist. Immediately I fall to my knees  beside Blake hugging his back as I cried into his shirt. I  didn’t care that his blood was soaking my t-shirt. 

I press my finger to his pulse and relief washes over me.  He still had a pulse which meant he was still alive. I cried  of relief kissing his cheek. I bring my lips to his ears. 

“I promise I’ll get help baby. Stay in there. I love you.” I  whispered for him only. 

“Okay okay enough with the love shit. Hurry up, stop the  bleeding so he can awaken for our fun.” Shelly grumbles. 

I bite my lip so I’d not tell her anything she’d not like. I  nod pulling away from Blake and lifting up his white  shirt. Tears filled my eyes as I saw the wound. It was  bleeding nonstop and I was afraid it was fatal.

I turn to Shelly. “I need alcohol and something to pull  out the bullet that is still in there.” I needed alcohol yes  but there was no bullet in there. 

It went straight through his flesh. I just needed her to  leave us for a few seconds so I could come up with a  plan. 

“I have alcohol dollface but I don’t have anything to take  out a bullet close by. Use your fingers to pull it out.” She  said as I heard her open a draw. 

I look up at my bag that I knew my phone was still in. I  hear her walk over to us, her footsteps stopping in front  of us. 

I looked at her as she placed the scissors on the counter.  Then outstretched hands that held the bottle of liquor. 

“Well aren’t you going to take it?” She teases, shaking  the bottle. 

My eyes flicker to the gun she still held in her hand. 


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