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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 

“Did it slip the captain’s mind that I have a toddler  waiting for me at home? I can’t work overtime.” I  grumble as I bring the cup of coffee to my lips. 

God I needed that bitter sweet liquid. 

“I don’t think captain Steffen cares.” Nate snorts, kicking  up his feet on the white desk. 

I rolled my eyes, placing the cup down on the surface of  the desk. 

“He should care because I was the one who made it  possible for him to become the captain that he is today.” 

It was true. I was selected to become the next captain of  the department but I turned it down. All for one reason,  my family. 

If I had taken that role I would not be able to spend  much time with them as I wanted to. My family is my life,  I can’t stay long without them.

So I turned down the role and recommended Steffen.  Who happened to turn out to be an a*s. 

“Officer Waters there’s a call for action at Willow street.”  One of the new recruits ran up to us. 

I groaned staring at the ceiling. “I swear that area is the  devil’s spawn.” 

I turn to stare at the younger man. His sandy blonde hair  cropped short, brown eyes wide with alarm. He looked  comical but I refrain from laughing at his expense. 

“Anything else we need to know before we go there?” I  questioned opening the drawer to pull out my gun. Nate  does the same as he stands up. 

Otis shakes his head. “They did not give much intel, only  that it was a young woman calling for help.” 

“Do you at least know the exact destination of the  crime?” I asked in a rush. 

“The 911 woman said it was house number 223. That’s  what she got when she tracked the number that called.”  He informed.

I nodded and quickly pushed the gun in my duty belt.  “Must be some poor girl who got harra*sed by the many  criminals lurking around this part of town.” I grumble. 

“At least this time the girl had time to call for help.  Remember last time?” Nate asks as we run outside the  building. 

I cringed remembering the poor girl we found dead on  the road bare. She had been raped and battered. The lad  who found her was too late, she had been dead hours  ago before he saw her. 

“Don’t remind me.” I grunted opening the car door and  sliding in. 

Two ambulances. That’s the first thing I see. I tear my  eyes away and open the door. 

“Looks like they’ve gotten here before us.” I nudge my  head to the many police cars littered around the area. 

What the hell happened here? Whatever it was, it was  extreme. 

Nate and I continue walking ahead until something  familiar caught my eye and has me halting. My blood 

grows cold as I see the motorcycle I gifted my first son  Blake. My heart pounds as I whispered to Nate. 

“Please tell me that’s not Blake’s motorcycle?” I croaked  to Nate. Blake had spray painted his name at the sides  and it doesn’t go unnoticed. 

“F*ck it is!” He curses. My eyes snap to the old house  when the paramedics roll out what seemed to be a dead  body on a stretcher. 

“Ryn, shit you can’t just run into-“ 


I was already running towards the medics not taking  heed to Nate’s words. “You can’t go in yet.” Another  officer shouted as I run past him. 

I don’t care. I need to know if this is my son under that  white cloth. “Is that my son, is that my son?” I rushed out  to the medics not realizing I was already crying. 

I stopped the move of the stretcher and peeled off the  white cloth. Black hair. A sob rack over me until I peel off  the rest. I sighed. It was a woman. 

“Is there a boy inside there? Dark haired boy?” I asked  one of the female medics in a rush.

“Yes there’s a bo-“ 

She doesn’t have time to finish as I run into the house.  My stomach churn with unease and my chest gets heavy  with anguish. There lies my son, soaked with blood as  they place him on one of the stretchers. 

“Blake.” I whispered not believing that it was indeed him.  I hear a shout of protest then feel Nate’s presence beside  me. 

“F*ck.” He whispers painfully when his eyes drop to  Blake. 

I moved my eyes away from him to see that the medics  were placing a dark haired girl on another stretcher. 

I couldn’t exactly see her face right now because of the  woman blocking me but I just had an inkling feeling that  she was the one who called for help. 


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