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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 395

Chapter 395 Crucial Information

Myra hesitated but then spoke with determination. “Melanie is in charge of the materials. She secretly manipulates things and often sends Johnson in to handle it.”

I understood what Myra said right away. This was my chance. I needed this evidence to catch Melanie

and her cohorts in the act.

Johnson’s distress was understandable to me. After all, this was not a small–scale project but a

substantial endeavor.

This was one of Celine’s few major city projects. When Liora got it, she secretly handed it to Matthew, using him to open another front for her younger brother. If anything went wrong with this project, all three would be implicated.

My body tensed up. I hadn’t expected it to be so effortless.

While I had plans for these three businesses, I never expected things to work out so well. My scheme hadn’t been this ruthless. Now, I could bring their entire operation to a halt.

Myra became concerned when she saw my dazed expression, fearing she had said something wrong. Chlo, I–I had no choice but to come to you because I trust you. I’m just feeling so uncertain…”

I patted Myra’s hand as I gathered my thoughts. After a brief moment of reflection, I spoke with purpose. Myra, be patient.”

It was almost 7 p.m., and Johnson should be finishing work.

So, I told Myra, “Give Johnson a call, ask him to come over, and we’ll have dinner at my place.”

“No… Chlo, he doesn’t even know I’m here! He’ll be mad at me… I should head home!” She stood up to get her child.

I quickly pulled her back. “Myra, don’t be nervous. Johnson won’t blame you. Relax. Since you’re here, I’ll have Johnson come over for a chat, too! Make the call and ask him where he is. It’ll be fine!”

Myra looked at me nervously. It seemed like she didn’t want Johnson to know she came to see me.

“We need to resolve this. Since you trust me, I want your full trust. Currently, I want to talk to Johnson!”

Myra gulped and looked at me anxiously. ‘Chlo, Johnson…”

Johnson is actually working for me!” I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Myre was taken aback, and I quickly followed up with an explanation.

“Johnson has always been close to me, so I can trust him. If he’s available today, I’ll talk to him about


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