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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 396

Chapter 396 Her Spy in Ardora Construction

Soon after, Johnson arrived and saw his wife and son with me. His little one’s laughter made him smile as he politely greeted, “Chloe, sorry to impose on you.”

He then exchanged pleasantries with my parents and even told us he bought snacks for Ava.

The dinner was joyous and harmonious. I knew it had lifted a weight from Myra’s shoulders. She played with the children after dinner. My parents realized Johnson and I needed to talk, so they went for a walk.


I–discussed Ardora Construction’s current situation with Johnson and understood that the Thompsons

had been active lately. They had snatched several projects from others and pulled in a few significant


It seemed they played a big game and were unafraid to take risks. The mastermind behind everything was

Liora. Even without Johnson’s explanation, I knew Keegan was not the one making things happen.

It had always been Liora. She didn’t want to lack money because she was married to Atticus. I wondered

why she couldn’t stay content.

Another thing puzzled me. Was Liora not afraid of Atticus’s retaliation for seizing his resources and connections? From my understanding, Atticus would never tolerate a woman taking advantage of him,

even if she was his wife.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have hesitated to remove the Thompsons‘ influence from his company. I figured Liora’s schemes would return to bite her one day.

It seemed I needed to have a word with Atticus beforehand, even though he had hinted that I didn’t need to spare Liora any mercy. It indicated plenty of hidden information in this situation, which warranted some thorough investigation on my part.

That was how the upper class functioned. Many things remained unspoken yet understood by everyone. However, that only occurred when one had the power to speak.

Before parting ways, I had to tell Johnson and Myra. “You can’t leave Ardora Construction yet. You can rest assured I will always welcome you at my company if you’re willing to return. But for now, you must stay at Ardora Construction. Of course, the decision depends on you.”


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