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Bride behind the mask novel (Marguerite) novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 

The sight of the two leaving together was painful for Marguerite. 

Frederick’s heart belonged to Yuna. Marguerite never harbored any delusions about that. 

All she asked for was trust. 

She was with him every day, wasn’t her character clear enough? 

Besides, she wasn’t just his wife, protected by the law, but also his employee, constantly under his watchful eye. 

So, anyone could doubt her, but not Frederick! 

She didn’t understand why she clung to this man’s trust and couldn’t find a reason for it. 

Just the thought of his disappointed and shocked expression made Marguerite’s heart ache. 

Tears streamed down her face again. 

The crowd had long dispersed, and Marguerite collapsed on the ground, unable to vent her emotions, and left to let the tears fall. 

The little corgi in the corner seemed to sense her emotions, wobbling towards her and licking her hand with its little tongue. 

The parrot flapped its wings by her side, repeating, “Don’t cry! Beautiful lady, don’t cry!” 

Just then, Robert suddenly appeared at the door. He was panting from his run and gasped in surprise at the sight of the mess. 

Seeing Marguerite sitting on the ground, he hurriedly asked, “Marguerite, where did Frederick go? What happened to the flower room? What’s with the rumors 


Marguerite lifted her head, her shoulders shaking with her sobs. 

Only then did Robert notice her tear-streaked face, and he froze. 

Why was she crying? 

“Why are you crying? Stop crying! Did you have another fight with Frederick?” 

Whether it was the difficult Frederick or the straightforward Marguerite, Robert could always balance their moods well. 

But he was scared of women crying. He was always at a loss when a woman cried. 

Marguerite cried as if she couldn’t breathe. “He doesn’t trust me.” 

Robert wanted to pull Marguerite up but figured he shouldn’t touch her, so he crouched down and said, “Stop crying; I’ll take you to him.” 

Marguerite, dizzy from crying, shook her head firmly and said, “No, I won’t go to him. Mr. Fitzgerald, can you help me restore the flower room?” 

The precious flowers and plants in the flower room had been destroyed by Yuna, and it broke Marguerite’s heart! 

“You’re still worried about these plants! Where is Frederick? I’m taking you to him today!” 

Marguerite shook her head vigorously. “No, Mr. Fitzgerald. The flowers and plants in the flower room are more important; you have to help me!” 

This was her battlefield, her chance to prove her innocence. She couldn’t let it be destroyed. 

Seeing Marguerite so determined, Robert didn’t push any further. 

After searching his body, he found a tissue in his pocket and handed it to Marguerite. “Then stop crying; I’ll find a way to help you.” 

Meanwhile, at Diamond Crest Estates 

Frederick had taken Yuna back to her apartment. Ablett and his wife couldn’t stop grinning at the sight of their daughter being carried home by Frederick. 

They warmly invited Frederick in and busied themselves preparing desserts and coffee. 

Frederick headed straight for Yuna’s room and found a first-aid kit to treat her wounds. 

This was Frederick’s first visit to Diamond Crest Estates. No matter what, Yuna should be happy. 

But thinking about tomorrow’s competition with Marguerite, she started to worry and fear. 

The perfume she was going to compete with was straight from Marguerite, and she had no idea how to blend perfumes! 

She was sure to be exposed in tomorrow’s competition! 

Yuna pouted and pretended to be pitiful. “Freddie, there’s something I haven’t told you,” 

“Go ahead.” 

The man was cleaning Yuna’s wounds with an alcohol swab. There were only a few shallow scratches. Did they really hurt that much? 

Somehow, Yuna gave him the impression of a woman who had never experienced hardship. She always liked branded stuff. 

On the other hand, Marguerite sometimes made him worry. 


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