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Bride behind the mask novel (Marguerite) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

The next morning at the Winston Group 

Frederick just walked into the floral room and immediately frowned due to the media activity. 

The perfume blending station was split into two, with two machines each for the media to do live broadcasts. 

Marguerite was on the left side of the station, engrossed in organizing some documents. 

When he saw Robert walk in, Frederick asked him grumpily, “Who let the media in?” 

“It was me.” Robert looked exhausted, the dark circles under his eyes especially prominent. 

Hearing this, Frederick gave Robert a cold look. “You know I don’t like media, right?” 

Robert could feel Frederick’s annoyance, but he wasn’t in a good mood himself. 

“Frederick, this is about LuxeScents International and Marguerite’s reputation, not your personal issues. I think the public wants to know the truth more than anyone.” 

Robert did this to defend Marguerite. 

He never doubted that Marguerite plagiarized, and he believed that she was not capable of such a thing. 

So he invited the media, aiming to expose Yuna’s true face in front of the national audience. 

But revealing the truth was not as important as Frederick’s opinion to Robert. In other words, he wanted to understand Marguerite’s thoughts about Frederick. 

He chuckled lightly and asked in a low voice, “If Marguerite really is a plagiarist, what would you do?” 

Frederick replied icily, “I’d have her leave.” 

Robert was taken aback. 

Marguerite had been with him for so long that everyone saw his changes. 

Now, couldn’t this man see his own heart? 

“I only kept her around because her perfume allowed me to smell again. If the real creator of the perfume is Yuna, why would I keep her?” 

Robert was left speechless. 

Originally, he used this reason to persuade Frederick to keep Marguerite. 

Now, this man was using the same reason to show his cold and ruthless attitude. 

Robert wanted to say something, but a parrot’s shriek suddenly echoed in the noisy crowd: “Bad woman! Bad woman! The bad woman is here!” 

Robert instinctively looked towards the entrance and saw Yuna, dressed in a casual dress, carrying a designer handbag, walking in gracefully. 

After the parrot’s shout, it seemed to be extremely agitated and hid behind Marguerite along with a puppy. 

Robert looked at Yuna with complex emotions. 

In such a serious atmosphere, this woman was dressed like she was on vacation, her arm full of jewelry, she didn’t look like someone who made perfume! 

Yuna walked straight towards Marguerite, noticing her in a white lab coat, wearing rubber gloves, and carefully cleaning the perfume blending vessels. 

She looked very focused. 

Thinking about Marguerite’s impending failure, Yuna found her concentrated look pitiful, but she felt very comfortable inside. 


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